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Everything posted by EskdaleHawks

  1. AND WHERE IS YOUR PROOF? It isn't the Falconers that are doing it! There isn't a market for 'stolen' wild birds. It is illegal to sell certain registrable birds without the correct paperwork. I have 'crossed swords' with both you and lab-tastic recently over a similar subject. And as I seem to recall everything went quiet when you were faced with the 'FACTS' regarding white tailed eagles being re-introduced after their demise in at the hands of Keepers and farmers, the last one being shot in 1918! Yes hare coursing is just as illegal as the shooting of raptors but it still goes on. There is
  2. AND WHERE IS YOUR PROOF? It isn't the Falconers that are doing it! There isn't a market for 'stolen' wild birds. It is illegal to sell certain registrable birds without the correct paperwork. I have 'crossed swords' with both you and lab-tastic recently over a similar subject. And as I seem to recall everything went quiet when you were faced with the 'FACTS' regarding white tailed eagles being re-introduced after their demise in at the hands of Keepers and farmers, the last one being shot in 1918! Yes hare coursing is just as illegal as the shooting of raptors but it still goes on. There is
  3. AND WHERE IS YOUR PROOF? It isn't the Falconers that are doing it! There isn't a market for 'stolen' wild birds. It is illegal to sell certain registrable birds without the correct paperwork. I have 'crossed swords' with both you and lab-tastic recently over a similar subject. And as I seem to recall everything went quiet when you were faced with the 'FACTS' regarding white tailed eagles being re-introduced after their demise in at the hands of Keepers and farmers, the last one being shot in 1918! Yes hare coursing is just as illegal as the shooting of raptors but it still goes on. There is
  4. AND WHERE IS YOUR PROOF? It isn't the Falconers that are doing it! There isn't a market for 'stolen' wild birds. It is illegal to sell certain registrable birds without the correct paperwork. I have 'crossed swords' with both you and lab-tastic recently over a similar subject. And as I seem to recall everything went quiet when you were faced with the 'FACTS' regarding white tailed eagles being re-introduced after their demise in at the hands of Keepers and farmers, the last one being shot in 1918! Yes hare coursing is just as illegal as the shooting of raptors but it still goes on. There is
  5. Can you give a good reason not too?
  6. If it's in a plantaion most probably a longeared. Shorteareds nest out on the moor.
  7. Seconded! They don't need a slope either. They do use the same technique as the kestrel. The speed of the wing beats depends on the speed of the wind. Little airflow or Slow wind speed = fast, deep wing beats, because the bird has to work hard to stay aloft and the angle of the body steepens to almost 90* to the wind, in a strong wing speed there is hardly any wing movement and the angle of the body is more horizontal.
  8. Happy to draw it too an end but half the things you have agreed with me on so i'm beginning to wonder where you sit on the subject? You cant 'blame' any animal hunting for food to stay alive, i dont do that but you cant expect keepers/landowners to fork out extra money because a BOP has worked out it is easy pickings. I'm afraid the shooting world is a multi-million pound industry and supplies thousands of jobs up and done the counrty so if a few BOP's have to take a knock along the way then it should be legal too do so.....imo!!!!!! Can i ask you on your views why the country decides to intr
  9. I know where your coming from with regard to the rearing and release. I also accept that things are 'expected' and that if the numbers do not add up at the end of the season then there are some questions the need to be answered. That said the sole blame for bad returns cannot be laid at the door of raptors. I accept that gos's are the ultimate killing machine. They will take birds of all size throughout the year. They are however solitary birds only coming together during the breeding season. The same goes for spars. Buzzards will only take poults upto a certain size, this maybe due to the fa
  10. To imagine that raptors purely present a problem from the amount of birds they predate shows a crass lack of understanding from a man who has never driven birds as their livelihood,If raptors have such a little impact why are the NGO encouraging applications from keepers to cull buzzards? It would be better to ask the question as to why there are so many buzzards? The answer could be that they have protected status or there are vast numbers of surplus artificially reared game birds present in the countryside. Road kill and easy pickings. As to having a crass lack of understanding,Then p
  11. To imagine that raptors purely present a problem from the amount of birds they predate shows a crass lack of understanding from a man who has never driven birds as their livelihood,If raptors have such a little impact why are the NGO encouraging applications from keepers to cull buzzards? It would be better to ask the question as to why there are so many buzzards? The answer could be that they have protected status or there are vast numbers of surplus artificially reared game birds present in the countryside. Road kill and easy pickings. As to having a crass lack of understanding,Then p
  12. To imagine that raptors purely present a problem from the amount of birds they predate shows a crass lack of understanding from a man who has never driven birds as their livelihood,If raptors have such a little impact why are the NGO encouraging applications from keepers to cull buzzards? It would be better to ask the question as to why there are so many buzzards? The answer could be that they have protected status or there are vast numbers of surplus artificially reared game birds present in the countryside. Road kill and easy pickings. As to having a crass lack of understanding,Then p
  13. To imagine that raptors purely present a problem from the amount of birds they predate shows a crass lack of understanding from a man who has never driven birds as their livelihood,If raptors have such a little impact why are the NGO encouraging applications from keepers to cull buzzards? It would be better to ask the question as to why there are so many buzzards? The answer could be that they have protected status or there are vast numbers of surplus artificially reared game birds present in the countryside. Road kill and easy pickings. As to having a crass lack of understanding,Then p
  14. To imagine that raptors purely present a problem from the amount of birds they predate shows a crass lack of understanding from a man who has never driven birds as their livelihood,If raptors have such a little impact why are the NGO encouraging applications from keepers to cull buzzards? It would be better to ask the question as to why there are so many buzzards? The answer could be that they have protected status or there are vast numbers of surplus artificially reared game birds present in the countryside. Road kill and easy pickings. As to having a crass lack of understanding,Then p
  15. OK! I haven't seen this program for myself but I have been involved with country sports, mainly shooting/falconry all my life. I have worked on shoots alongside gamekeepers. There is no getting away from the fact that raptor persecution goes on. There are unfortunately a small minority of people or so we're lead to believe, that continue to persecute raptors, and justify it by claiming they take inordinate amounts of game. When you equate what raptors take in a year to that killed by a team of guns on a single grouse/Pheasant/Partridge day then the maths simply do not add up. One would have th
  16. Male Harris would be ideal,They are less likely to be as moody as the females can be,they can take everything a female can with the exception of brown hares and you will also have more fun once you get one going. A male Redtail would make you think harder to work things out. There is no such thing as a LANTRA course, it is an award. There are falconry courses with the LANTRA award ' Begining falconry' attached. You do the course which incorporates the modules of the award and you are assessed at the end of it to gain the award. Hope this helps, Good luck!
  17. Yes! Better with a Raven though
  18. Apprenticeship in Falconry is the way forward. To many birds are ending up in the wrong hands. To many birds are going missing because of the lack of proper training. To many people 'relying' on telemetry. There are no short cuts. Telemetry will only locate your bird, it will not make it fly to you.

    1. mick1212


      couldnt agree with you more

    2. paulus


      should have been done years ago, the yanks have had it for years overthere

    3. Penda


      i agree with you there mate

  19. Mick! This person did he same post for a Barn Owl back in march
  20. Did you put them in at the same time?
  21. The International Falconer is available in an on line format.
  22. Three is a good clutch. must be plenty of mice and voles in that area.
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