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Everything posted by EskdaleHawks

  1. British olympic Muff diving team 'We dive at 5, no Muff too Tuff'!
  2. honestly u wouldnt part with it ? i am keen to invest in one its the parts that put me off even though im thinking round the 98 model Honestly! I wouldn't part with it. Parts are fairly easy to get from scrappers and on the net. Jeep charge a fortune for their parts. Most motor factors will be able to get hold of new parts as well. All you have to do is give them the reg of the vehicle and they will tell you over the phone if they can supply the part you require. PS: Drive it like a 4x4, not a car! If you know what I mean? And they are heavy on fuel!
  3. I know that's why the greys are getting controlled. I was questioning your method? If you have the slightest incline that there are Reds in the area then you should be using cage traps. That way you get a 100% kill rate on Greys and you can release and monitor how many Reds you have in the area.
  4. I have a 98 Cherokee 2.5 td sport,Manual. Had it 4yrs. stood for the last twelve months, went through the winter, never turned a wheel. Put a new battery on and it fire up first time. Sailed through the M.O.T after a couple of minor repairs ( New wheel bearing, brake caliper, wheel cylinder). No advisories, runs sweet as a nut. Only ever had it in low box once ( to pull another 4x4 out of the sh*t) and I wouldn't swop it for anything else. PS: I get most of my parts from 'reputable' scrap yards.
  5. If you are in Scotland then you should be using live catch cage traps and not fenns to catch greys so that the none target native red squirrel can be released un harmed. After all that is what this squirrel trapping is all about is it not?
  6. Right place, at the right time. Beautiful photos. Well done!
  7. I take it these are cultivated? No! These are in the Wheat/barley fields along the A69 in Northumberland Don't think they are cultivated just off the corbridge roundabaout?? i actually drove past someone stopped in the layby taking photos of that field last friday, would that have been you lol edited to add thats what happens when farmers buy cheap seed!! LOL Not me! Took it last Monday inbetween Corbidge roundabout and Hexham
  8. I take it these are cultivated? No! These are in the Wheat/barley fields along the A69 in Northumberland Don't think they are cultivated
  9. My post certainly wasn't aimed at you BH . and I 100% agree they do and will take Gamebirds mate. they put down a average of 15,000 Pheasants on this estate and a few thousand Partridge, there are Buzzards everywhere as I'm sure Millet can back me up on, I see them regular ringing round and round and never seen one yet take a Gamebird although I'm sure some poults get taken now and again. there's a large meadow on the Esatate which you can only descibe as Watership down, its bunny city! this is the area where the Buzzards are most concentrated, there's a fair few bunny's with Mixy whi
  10. heres one I took alongside the A69, Northumberland
  11. I didnt realise running a shoot was so profitable, all keepers are millionaires right? ?? I was referring to the people that employ the keepers! Your acting very snobbish! That is something what most wealthy landowners are like. And I have met just one or two over the years. On the whole they are nice people, just a little up themselves. You really do have a problem with landowners dont you. I don't actually! This sort of argument repeats itself year after year and nothing seems to change? Just like all the articles in the shooting times! New name, different face, same old thing!
  12. GREED! Thats all it is! Take a look at DWs post £££££££££££££££££££££££££ ? We live in a world where in nature there are Pedators and Prey, From the plains of Africa and the mountains of Canada to your very own back garden there are creatures eating other creatures, even in the house that you live in. Why do we control Deer? We 'control' Deer because the natural predators ( Bear & Wolf ) were exterminated by man! Because they were deemed a threat! The bi-product of this activity is stalking which produces revenue for the landowner...££££££££s this i
  13. So its just game shoots you have a problem with and therefore the ethics of controlling pests for the purposes of protecting game birds? Im just trying to get to the root of your argument. I've read the 'non native' argument a few times here, does that mean it is 'ok' to run a game shoot that only shoots grey partridge and hares and hence shoot spars and buzzards to stop over predation? Or is running a commercial shoot unethical no matter the quarry? Those of you that are anti bop population management, can I ask if you control any native pest species on your permissions to support you
  14. I made some Raspberry whiskey a few years back using wild raspberries.
  15. Your banging your head against a brick wall..but for what it is worth i 2 million% agree with you..it's easy to pick a gun up and shoot a farmed animal/bird that is why they is so many people doing it..but to fly a hawk/falcon or eagle is a lot harder and it makes you understand the survival need's of wild hawk's and what troubles they go through to live and rear chick's.. Like you say they where here a long time before the shooting fraternity turned up and that is where they should stay... Edited to add.. fook the money side of thing's pheasants and red legs are not idigenous to this cou
  16. Your banging your head against a brick wall..but for what it is worth i 2 million% agree with you..it's easy to pick a gun up and shoot a farmed animal/bird that is why they is so many people doing it..but to fly a hawk/falcon or eagle is a lot harder and it makes you understand the survival need's of wild hawk's and what troubles they go through to live and rear chick's.. Like you say they where here a long time before the shooting fraternity turned up and that is where they should stay... Edited to add.. fook the money side of thing's pheasants and red legs are not idigenous to this cou
  17. Actually! It was James the first that ordered the destruction of buzzards! Henry viii only made egg collecting illegal, but excluded Buzzards. Anyway, Nice pic which one is you?
  18. Your banging your head against a brick wall..but for what it is worth i 2 million% agree with you..it's easy to pick a gun up and shoot a farmed animal/bird that is why they is so many people doing it..but to fly a hawk/falcon or eagle is a lot harder and it makes you understand the survival need's of wild hawk's and what troubles they go through to live and rear chick's.. Like you say they where here a long time before the shooting fraternity turned up and that is where they should stay... Edited to add.. fook the money side of thing's pheasants and red legs are not idigenous to this cou
  19. Your banging your head against a brick wall..but for what it is worth i 2 million% agree with you..it's easy to pick a gun up and shoot a farmed animal/bird that is why they is so many people doing it..but to fly a hawk/falcon or eagle is a lot harder and it makes you understand the survival need's of wild hawk's and what troubles they go through to live and rear chick's.. Like you say they where here a long time before the shooting fraternity turned up and that is where they should stay... Edited to add.. fook the money side of thing's pheasants and red legs are not idigenous to this cou
  20. At the risk of getting involved in this argument, do you agree with pest control at all? Or is it just the control of pests on game shoots you have a problem with. From where im standing, if a species population grows to a size where the damage it is causing becomes too much of a financial burden then it is a pest and culling becomes an option. Foxes, stoats, mink, magpies, crows are all pests on game shoots and farms depending on what the farm produces. My point of view is the only question to ask is "is the buzzard population locally at a level where they are in pest numbers?" if so surely a
  21. At the risk of getting involved in this argument, do you agree with pest control at all? Or is it just the control of pests on game shoots you have a problem with. From where im standing, if a species population grows to a size where the damage it is causing becomes too much of a financial burden then it is a pest and culling becomes an option. Foxes, stoats, mink, magpies, crows are all pests on game shoots and farms depending on what the farm produces. My point of view is the only question to ask is "is the buzzard population locally at a level where they are in pest numbers?" if so surely a
  22. AND WHERE IS YOUR PROOF? It isn't the Falconers that are doing it! There isn't a market for 'stolen' wild birds. It is illegal to sell certain registrable birds without the correct paperwork. I have 'crossed swords' with both you and lab-tastic recently over a similar subject. And as I seem to recall everything went quiet when you were faced with the 'FACTS' regarding white tailed eagles being re-introduced after their demise in at the hands of Keepers and farmers, the last one being shot in 1918! Yes hare coursing is just as illegal as the shooting of raptors but it still goes on. There is
  23. AND WHERE IS YOUR PROOF? It isn't the Falconers that are doing it! There isn't a market for 'stolen' wild birds. It is illegal to sell certain registrable birds without the correct paperwork. I have 'crossed swords' with both you and lab-tastic recently over a similar subject. And as I seem to recall everything went quiet when you were faced with the 'FACTS' regarding white tailed eagles being re-introduced after their demise in at the hands of Keepers and farmers, the last one being shot in 1918! Yes hare coursing is just as illegal as the shooting of raptors but it still goes on. There is
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