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Everything posted by rics

  1. lol thats a slow dog bruv.a dog should be on the hares arse all the time turning it inside out i see you havent ever run a good hare also you beter stick to ya fields pal dont run the fen youl get blown off
  2. mother siona out of cofield joe to suizi. father is flash out of casperxsnowey
  3. [bANNED TEXT] ya dog gets towed around for 3 mins before he settles and start to course it for 2 more mins to catch it thats a proper hare in jan wet ground
  4. the jjxisack sister dog how old is he about 5 years old i think , dont quote me on that though , im not entirely sure , he is from the guisbrough area . i got sister to isack gona breed her this year looking around at dogs she is 6 been a good en won some good matches with her a good bitch but not a realan lets keep trying beter then yours fact
  5. Dont belive the "Hype" Averageing 15 a week in Jan Sold for £7500 There bred as a "stop gap" while a certain someones ban is up, on -"wizz-bang"- off Very handy on smaller land and average quarry the shorty bitch had 114 from 123 last season killed her first 62 without missing, and was sold for 5k the quarry must be no good pal
  6. top dogs only pal this is premship your div 3 pal keep ya mouth shut
  7. my mate got a bengi dog pup for sale wants 800 12 month old
  8. [bANNED TEXT] it rains it wil over spill pipe in to mains soakaway wil last 1 month no good
  9. i saw boss run up and at em typ nice dog runs well shud hav no prob sell them pal
  10. hav you still got that sooty sam lines 22 ats good on the wet ant they mines fab man
  11. Time to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god. Shane Stanton bred Lucky out of SEAL x JOE! Shane might be a lot of things ive heard to you boys but there one thing for sure !! he knows a dog when he sees one and never tells lies about any dogs. The owner of lucky on the other hand (dont say his name its bad luck) finds it hard to keep friends with anyone but he is one lucky B himself. Lynsey his woman picked Lucky out of 3 dog pups at 6 weeks of age. Lucky was the only good dog in the litter the rest were useless (apart from Bess the bitch) at 14 months o
  12. chewbaka was saying that joe was 10 times a better dog than lucky on anouther post today
  13. wat was joe like on the mud
  14. Lucky couldnt wear his fathers collar!!! Old Joe was 10 off him. Dancer must have been good cause the man that owned her aint no mug!! was joe any good in the mud
  15. this isnt dale . its his brother . i dont know the breeding of JJ , which is why im asking . the sire of pups i know , JOE - which is bred from JJ x sister to issac , which is jamies jack x pure saluki which is owned by a known coursing man . but i was wondering myself what the breeding of JJ is . as I didnt know . jj out of shadracks jack bitch from n east i got sister to isack just lined her to joexsuiseyxcasxsnowy dog hi hopes this season
  16. Is this flint I fink I have a bitch from him Not sure on dogs name they call the lad barry and hes from rotherham the dogs about 11 now it through some quik killing type of dogs dogs that could catch anywere,atvb dell ygary dic had to put elastorplast on the nails before he ran him thats a fault
  17. Yes a good proven daytime dog.just wanted to try somthing diffrent.....and woud like to say iff I don't return pms is beacouse it won't let me for some reason what type of dog are you trying to breed. what size. fen .field. blackland. chalkland 3 or 5 runs long starts seed or plough.wats the bitch like
  18. tigers first hare dident count and then 2 of 1 slip
  19. john valler len moss bill yeldon is that 1 name What were his parents thinking??? He must have got bullied at school!! you got any match dogs you getting as mad as ian some dicks on here wind up lampers not fen men
  20. JJ won in 02 i believe nice 1 pal got my dates wrong ha im sure that tiger won it tho jj and tiger in final jj won but tiger was a good en he beat booser 5,4 in semi
  21. john valler len moss bill yeldon is that 1 name What were his parents thinking??? He must have got bullied at school!! you got any match dogs
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