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Everything posted by plummer1

  1. ive just orderd 20 for £19:98 + 3:00 p+p cheapest i could find unfortunatley there nylon but hey such is life. i preffer hemp, dont seem to tangle so much but the guy is wantin forty odd quid for ten which i think is extortionate. if anyone on here is selling any i would still be interested...
  2. does anyone know where i can lay my hands on a dozen or so purse nets? i have a freind who is the head gardner at the local hospital and he has a MAJOR bunny problem. he asked me if i would take care of a few for him and obviously i jumped at the chance, however ive hit a problem. i have had some rather bad health issues for the last 16 monthe and am just starting to get over now so i havent been out with the ferret for a while, unfortunatley i went into the shed today and dug out the game bag that i keep my hemp nets in only to find a rather nasty surprise, a afmily of mice and a doz
  3. thanks "THE ONE" hey that sounds quite ominous, lol so what kind of questions should i not ask on this forum then........
  5. well ive just joined this forum about 20 mins ago and i'm lmao already. get ur jill in her own cage wi plenty bedding and fresh water oh and try to put the cage somewhere quiet mate so not to disurb her when she has them, hopr this helps mate.
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