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Everything posted by one4thepot

  1. Sorry, should've said, its only available online, heres the link; Fieldsports channel
  2. Just found this in the advertizments bit of the T.H.L home page, anyone else even know it existed? Its a bit like country file, but without the 99.9% poo bits. FIELDSORTSCHANNEL.TV
  3. At one point a couple of years ago, there was a sighting in a local park where my mates mam wpould walk her dog, following the sighting, the dog flat refused to go past a certain point. It just applied the brakes. Apparently this was common with quite a few dog walkers in that particular park for a number of weeks.
  4. For a number of years now my local paper has been reporting on BIG CAT sightings. The witnesses usually refer to it as big, black & panther like. Just the other weekend, me & a mate were sat in my garden drinking a few beers when a big fat domestic moggie walked past the other side of the fence, & off into a small wood located there. He was convinced that he had just seen a panther & danced around accordingly, I, on the other hand, having seen it quite a few times new different, but... just goes to show you. Do they exist? Ever been for a shine & caught one in th
  5. nice one, would've missed that.
  6. Has anyone else noticed that the nonce with the camera seems to keep the fat female inbetween himself & the lads, when ever this comfort zone disapears the camera goes all shakey, as though he is looking for his footing to leg it. A couple of years ago I found myself in a very simalar situation whilst out ferriting with my eight year old son, it was an impossible situation, unable to retaliate too much because of the presence of my lad. Two weeks later, one of the idiots involved walked into a nightclub where I worked at as a bouncer. An hour or so later, & a couple of lads from
  7. Just got a new phone, the Land Rover S1, made by sonim, the same people that made the JCB phone. As yet, I am greatly dissapointed with it, the reviews for this phone were awsome, there is even a video of some one driving a defender over it, IN MUD, water proof to a depth of 1M for 30 mins, dust proof, works in extremre temperatures etc, etc.. thats the phone for me I thought, perfectly suited to my work & social life style. However, from the moment it came out of the box, it has been absolute poo. No instruction manual, just a disc, that connects you to the web & opens a pdf fi
  8. I have the same problem, I'm between Barnsley & wakefield, seems to be around peek times, when everyones at home. Although a mate of mine swears by his, he reckons its as fast as broadband, he's at the far side of Wakefield, closer to Leeds, maybe we've got a weaker signal over our way, lets hope it gets better!!!
  9. cheers everybody, got to say, what a fantastic forum, something for all tastes.
  10. Try this link mate, (if it works, i'm new to this site). Its an easy to understand guide to net making, if you can afford, just leave them a small donation, (instead of buying a DVD). Ferreting.biz
  11. I think your missing my point, I was hoping to find out if Lurcher men considered Bedlingtons to be a good all round dog, able to do anything I want of it. I am looking to have one or two versatile dogs, not a pack of four or five dogs consisting of a couple of lurchers & two or three terriers.
  12. I would like to know what the average lurcher enthusiast thinks about working Bedlington Terriers. #1: Can a Bedlington be used for lamping? #2: Can they manage to leap a barbed wire fence? #3: Do they make good ferreting dogs, able to pick up the odd bolter? #4: Are they too big for bushing, also, do there coats get knotted up in the brambles? #5: And finally, would you, as lurcher men own a Bedlington for the purpose of hunting, & not just for breeding Whippet crosses? My Grandfather kept a Bedlington when I was a young lad, & I remember it to be
  13. Your a lucky man to be in the position of charging land owners for the pleasure of rabbiting. It would be un-thinkable to do such a thing in my area, in fact I actually offer land owners a small fee per outing, just to try & get my foot in the door!!!
  14. Hello all. New to this forum, kept ferrets most of my life, lurchers & the odd terrier. Have'nt had a lot of time for field sports over the last ten years or so, (working long hours for the family) but thanks to this ressesion, I'm a born again hunter gatherer.
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