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About poacher2007

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  1. sorry to hear about your dog hope you find him soon i currently beat and pick up on three shoots if you have a picture of your dog send me a pic of him and i will forward it to all the guns and beaters. email pestcontrol@kentwildfowlers.co.uk
  2. thanks do you know where i can get a jacket from, hes got plenty of confidence to much in fact
  3. dear gundog enthusiasts i have a gsp 18mths old who loves the water this is where the problem starts, he cant swim. as soon as ben the gsp gets out of his depth he literally sinks like the titanic rear end first head last, on a serious note, does anyone have any ideas on teaching him to swim before something does go serious wrong,i work him near water all the time, ive tried weighted dummies hoping to level him up but to no avail. any suggestions welcome
  4. thanks for your replies, but im 99% sure these are not tape worm, each lump is around tennis ball size, with the exception of two rabbits, these cysts were between the skin and coat, the other two were in the chest area, on inspection i popped these with a knife and a watery liguid came out, the closest thing i can say they look like is blisters that we get on our feet and the fluid similiar to. there is no smell or odour emitting from the rabbit or the infected area?
  5. ive been ferreting today, and once again caught a rabbit with a large cyst on its side these are full of watery type substance almost as clear as tap water, on two seperate occasions we have caught rabbits with the same cysts but internally in the chest cavity these are not isolated to one farm, but in a five mile radius. can any one shed some light on what they are or have seen something similiar, i have been ferreting for thirty years and never accounted this before.
  6. i make you right, ive never showed my dogs they are working dogs only as they say [ works a must, types a luxury, and the colour dont matter ]
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