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Catcher 1

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Everything posted by Catcher 1

  1. Cheer,s maltenby.Your a gent.atb. Catcher 1
  2. Young catcher just turned 5 mnths whats youre thoughts ?
  3. That was a bit random fatbaws told you cider rots your brain Towards the end my finger,s go sore.Just like your head is getting.See you Sunday.May the beast dog win So keep the bird at home lol Catcher 1
  4. Your Dick.Get a grip undisputed.Your losing the plot old timer.lol,Look back at some of your Topic,s I told you after 50 it,s all down hill if you cant keep yourselfl. healthy If you read this and can remember thet far backDrop e a
  5. does this just fall out or screw in and out, also will this affect the warrenty, and do i need to take the trigger gaurd off to get at the grub screw, i know what bit you mean just how to get the allen key in there god i am making this hard thanks davy yes buddy take the stock off, then take the trigger guard {only} off, and you will be able to get to it. put the catch back in, followed by the ball barring, then the spring ,then the grub screw.then tighten & adjust to your liking hope this helps regards davy Good advice mate.What if it happen,s a
  6. does this just fall out or screw in and out, also will this affect the warrenty, and do i need to take the trigger gaurd off to get at the grub screw, i know what bit you mean just how to get the allen key in there god i am making this hard thanks davy yes buddy take the stock off, then take the trigger guard {only} off, and you will be able to get to it. put the catch back in, followed by the ball barring, then the spring ,then the grub screw.then tighten & adjust to your liking hope this helps regards davy Good advice mate.What if it happen,s a
  7. gun is just out of warrenty - by a month apperntly its a common fault, probely a design fault Hi A LOT OF THING,S MAY GO WRONG WITH A GUN.A DESIGN FAULT IN THE SAEFTY CATCH THAT,S A NO NO.I WOULDENT SIT BACK AND TAKE IT ATB CATCHER 1
  8. Demand a new gun.That is shocking atb Catcher1
  9. Hi Have had Air Rifle.s most of my life.I would have to say my latest buy.Air Arms S510-SL Carbine 22.It.s light so you can carry it all day no probs.It,s short so is good for hide shooting and good kill range.The only one i can say that came near to it.Is the rapid 7 I had in 94.atb Catcher 1
  10. Nice pup,s mate.Hope they do you proud.atb. Catcher 1
  11. I tell her.Like last XMAS told them all to give cash to buy a new gun.Got about £200 Went into Crocket,s in Glasgow.Got the Air Arms S510-Sl Carbine and scope for £700.I work for it so spend as i like. Never.atb.Catcher 1
  12. Good bag undisputed ? Did you take the long net lol Catcher 1
  13. Welcome hope you have a good time.atb.Catcher 1
  14. Great pics mate.Nice dogs.Look,s like good ground.atb. Catcher 1
  15. HI Scuda1.A man with your brain dident get that one atb. Catcher 1 I am surprised that you did not catch on to the fact, that it was very much a tongue in cheek remark. Have a look at my first quoted answer on this thread. Could this be a case, that catcher one did not catch on???? ATB Michael I did not expect flat head pellet to get it, but you....................................... Yea Michael.I think your right atb.Catcher 1
  16. Most vets now its sad to say.Are just in it for the cash.atb. Catcher 1
  17. HI Scuda1.A man with your brain dident get that one atb. Catcher 1
  18. we used to batter the coatbridge boys they wernt allowed out after 5 o'clock just ask anythingoes he's still like that and he's nearly 40 prick nice 1 mate , you ceas sees to amaze me youre gettin on bud you and catcher Aye we'll be going for Hydro Therapy next Hydro therapy ,,,,,,,,,,,, Right then , you are a tight arsed c**t who wont part with 10 bob never mind £20 He still keep.s his cash under the floor board,s and think,s hydro therapy is takeing a shower That,s why he,s 15 stone why spend £20 on the dogs when you can eat it. Catcher 1
  19. It,s Fools like you that get my blood boiling with stupid remarks about ireland 60 years read your history you bampot.and by the way i had three brouthers in the british army Explain. Stupid remarks? I've lived our History on the streets of Belfast. Where you there on Bloody Friday? My DA was! He never forgot scraping peoples remains off the street! You Brits have never experienced real terror. Sorry I forgot your Scotish. Which one is free? Not you scot b*****ds. please dont come on hear with all this bitter shit....i spent 5 years on street ,country side in ireland out
  20. Hi mate.How much cash are you willing to spend.atb Catcher 1 This lot cost me about £2000
  21. Good luck with the new pup mate

    and thank,s for that work you did for me.A true Gent

  22. Great new,s mate.What a joy it would be to catch one of these scumbag,s in the act. just to start with.atb. Catcher 1
  23. dogs mainly yapp through fruststion its been started a bit too early you cant take him lamping because he will scare everything off in the other fields around you i would take him ferreting and build up his cofidance evan grabbing in the net its all part of bulding up his cofidance all the best with him mate Good advice.It may work.I cant under stand why people enter a dog to early.Hope you get it sorted mate,atb. Catcher 1
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