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Catcher 1

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Everything posted by Catcher 1

  1. . Some of you guys should learn to read. Every country in the world that has set up "shooting galleries" has seen a massive reduction in petty theft, street crime, violent crime AND drug addiction rates. Switzerland used to be as right wing as some of you clowns. Since they decriminalised heroin and crack the crime rate has gone down by 40%. Like it or not liberal drug regimes save the taxpayers money. Just for the record I've tried a lot of drugs, never used a needle. Ric Must say that the best i have heard yet.Lets give them all guns.That way they can shoot us then take
  2. Some of you guys should learn to read. Every country in the world that has set up "shooting galleries" has seen a massive reduction in petty theft, street crime, violent crime AND drug addiction rates. Switzerland used to be as right wing as some of you clowns. Since they decriminalised heroin and crack the crime rate has gone down by 40%. Like it or not liberal drug regimes save the taxpayers money. Just for the record I've tried a lot of drugs, never used a needle. Ric Must say that the best i have heard yet.Lets give them all guns.That way they can shoot us then take our mone
  3. Could be dell.My old dad ran greyhound most of his life.Would all ways breed of an older greyhound bitch.Most of his dogs came from your own land.atb. Catcher
  4. Gets my vote Cheers doxhope.Your a gent.atb. Catcher
  5. Shes very similar to my first lurcher i got out of the exchange& mart in the 70s atb dell Bred her of her mother i had in 92 dell.Still a lot of good dogs from the mothers bloodline in the area.A few did well the first show at ayr this year.atb. Catcher 1
  6. Here,s one of the old school.A .true all rounder.Got the pics to prove it.atb. Catcher
  7. Think your right mate.Any dealing i have had with the police on field sports.I find i have to tell them the law.Catcher
  8. Could be Frank. but in this country stupidity must be second.Catcher
  9. same as above.atvb.Catcher
  10. May visit the doctor.Say i have drinking prob and cant work.And need sixty fags a day Surely i have rights too.Catcher
  11. Good to hear i ordered one too.Catcher
  12. Hi WILF That must be why there asking cyclist to pay road tax.Seen it in yesterdays papers.So when i get my grandson a bike for Xmas this year.Will have to phone Gordon Brown to see how much tax they are going to charge him.Well someone has to pay for there skag Catcher
  13. Cracker mate that split my ribs But to be fair to the guy any one with Coral Draw should be able to do it.atb. Catcher
  14. Would love to see it done.Mind you it would have to be some dog. Catcher
  15. Aye,your right chap,the majority of does are carrying young!! Another one who has obviously done nothing or little,jesus!!..hares start pairing up mid to late January ESPECIALLY further South where it is profoundly warmer by a degree or two..and where are the SUPER FENS where supposedly it's the ultimate test for running dogs?? It makes me wonder at times if anyone on here has actually ever done any form of hunting?? Rant over..sorry!! All the best PP. just because its called the hunting life dont expect to find many hunters here,this place is a magnet for special needs folk. Mor
  16. same with me mate Been watching a black rabbit running about at work.Some young lads out lamping the other night.Found it dead the next morning.They could have at least taken it for the dogs.Catcher A pure waste
  17. Yes mate had one in the right hands.It can do the biss.atb. Catcher
  18. HA! Just you wait. I hear that there is a move to start up a charity to be known as the NSPCP. National Society for the Protection of Clay Pigeons. What harm do the poor things do? They don't eat crops or food plants, they don't break up pasture with their burrows, they don't kill chickens or new born lambs. They just sit in their boxes minding their own business and then you heartless lot chuck 'em up in the air and blow 'em to bits. Downright cruel it is. RicW Lol you could be right mate....listen I'm only joking do a wee bit of rough shooting myself How right seen you sh
  19. Fist time that i have seen one You learn something new every day .Catcher 1
  20. Sent cash today mate.atb catcher 1
  21. One of my old dogs mate.No much collie.atb. Catcher 1 I remember this dog done a bit of bleating in it's time Do you know Macsen
  22. what a load of rubbish..... and before you start I've got both types So were did the term bitza come from.We just called them lurcher to lurcher bred types???? Never mind him dell.Even we dont like him .lol.Catcher 1 I'll lose a lot of sleep knowing that....liked you better when you were a cheeky f****r now your just an arse kisser... In relation to the term bitza it had nothing to do with plummer...or snobbery....some of us just like to know whats in the dog....rather than take the word of a backdoor salesman....and what do you base your evidence on that bitza's are su
  23. Good heart and eager to please.You cant go much wrong.atb. Catcher 1 PS Stunning looking dog mate
  24. Now undisputed last your were on clays madam toosons had to shut down for repairs Catcher 1
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