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adam s

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Everything posted by adam s

  1. I was out ferreting with my mate one morning and we put one of his hobs down this warren and it had 8 holes we got 1 rabbit after bout 5 minutes of waiting, Then we went for a walk over the paddock more and seen 1 rabbit hole and he was unsure whether he was going to put his other hob down and he decided to and we got 3 rabbits out of 1 hole and got only 1 rabbit out of an 8 hole warren.
  2. Yea i live in nsw but don't get so many rabbits from ferreting due to most of the rabbits making warrens in the blackberry bushes so im getting an air rifle so they can't hide now . Also my school teacher has asked me to get rid of rabbits on his property by ferreting though.
  3. Thats why i am going to go witht he 22.
  4. Its hard though i am not sure whether they went or not there are alot of things to say they didn't.
  5. Yea me and my mate do that when the rabbits are running we whistle and they stop and pause for a bit not long though.
  6. I think i'll go with the harder hitting
  7. Jesus christ mate its hunting your not always going to remain clean when hunting and you could easily wash your hands afterwards also if he was there doing that as a job for someone i don't think they would appreciate dead rats lying everywhere for the owner to clean. Great video though mate.
  8. Thank you mate atleast you made the effort to have a look and realise im not from the UK.
  9. Well thats what i thought but i just wanted to see what everyone else had to say about them. Because there are alot of rabbits in my area but they are in places where they cannot be ferreted so i thought an air rifle could do the job without so much hassle.
  10. By a camp over you could put the rabbit in there and put it in the hot coals simple as.
  11. I might be getting an air rifle, what would be the best one to get a 22. or a 177.?
  12. Well we do have winter lol. My mate said the most amount of rabbits he caught in a day is 42. I just got some more permission to go ferreting on aswell i was talking to my teacher today and he said it was fine to ferret on his place so i'll see how many i can get
  13. Over here in Australia they sell them in the pet shops for $150+ But most people just sell them for bout $15-$25.
  14. Thats awesome, what did you do with them?
  15. Yea, well im looking forward to these holidays me and my mate are going to be doing alot of ferreting and theres a cemetery in the little town he lives in and there bloody rabbits are digging holes through the graves so me and my mate are goin to take the air rifle down and kill as many as possible, i would ferret them but i think it seems a bit disrespectful.
  16. Thanks, atleast you didn't leave a smart a** comment.
  17. I just realised that you were Australian What part of Australia are you from mate?
  18. Yea mate, i just wanted to know how much people usually catch in a day.
  19. I was just wondering how many rabbits have people caught in a day ferreting mine is 4 but i havent been doing it for very long and rabbits are scarce in my part of Australia.
  20. oh my god.. What the f*** is wrong with you people you all leave smart A** comments and what do you mean by oh my god, we don't have kestrals here thats why i don't know what they are!
  21. We had a fox problem at school where we did agriculture the fox was getting the chickens so the teacher gave me and my mate permission to come in on the weekend and set a fox trap and we did it the way you explained.
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