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Everything posted by madgerboy

  1. Hard to put a good dog down if your lucky enough to have a friend who lives on a farm or out in country like I have then that's great for the old dog that's never let ye down.pts is always a last option but sometimes neccessary in order to make room for future generations.
  2. Where's the best place for eel traps?rivers,bogs,loughs,canals etc and what time of year can ye start getting them?thanks
  3. So you have a working dog which works well,suitable for breeding in the future but you don't care where it came from?So how does this work then when your deciding what to breed it to?Worker to worker regardless of how any of the siblings of the prefered dogs have worked or how the siblings of the father and mothers of these dogs worked?If ye just work terriers and buy them in then it doesn't matter but if you breed your own and want to continue breeding workers then knowledge = success and even at that there's no hard and fast rules. Family history of your working dogs is vital to producing
  4. marky r I was simply answering a question in my experience that no one else has touched on.with regards to you " having experience" Bolio and Jimmysshop have real experience of the breed while you,and I,really only have an observation of a few particular dogs.
  5. oyama about 14 yr ago we had a half bred wheaten greyhound she was as good an addition to our team of dogs as any she was worked hard everyweek while terriers where rotated this bitch done her stuff week in week out.She was however never to be trusted around strangers or other dogs as she was a liability as we found out on several occasions.She was 22" and could have lifted rabbits but not big numbers and too slow for long slips at fox out of cover.it could be that certain lines are worse than others as I have seen a few of Rebels relations and although they did nt have as placid a temperament
  6. nice dog where this dog come from ? is in irland kennel? If this is the same Rebel I saw he changed my perception of wheatens as he has a great temperament around other dogs and humans.
  7. sound, i have a sibling to him myself, im looking for a bitch pup out of riddick later on in the year if theres one? i heard hes at stud since he was retired from digging. just want to keep the lines tight since riddicks dam is now RIP, if not i'll wait and get another pup off riddicks breeder pm me your mobile no I'll get him to phone ye
  8. Well I know the lad who has him just that's why I asked
  9. Did you ever see the dog work?why do ye want to know?
  10. The majority of black dogs and bitches I've had in the past 15 years have been hard on fox.hard as in they don't sound at all.I can honestly say I only ever remember 2 fox being killed.If someone asks me would they kill a fox I'd have to say maybe eventually lol
  11. Anyone in N Ireland keep Thai Shamo Taiwan or Asil ??
  12. Everyone else is laughing at ye the fox might as well get a giggle lol

  13. Glad ye got the dog back lad.lesson learned.ignore the negative ones on here ye ll come across plenty like that.
  14. If both dog and bitch being bred have putty noses the pups will all be choc if one or other or both have black nose ye ll get a mix.sure ye would nt be breeding unless both parents where proven which will be 4 yr+ if they re pups now.
  15. Hello mate be nice to hear about some of your current animals.Only had brief dealings with your da and in my experience he's a man of his word.Atb
  16. Look well mate all into looks on this site.I couldn't care if the dog was docked to stump or undocked as long as it works.All the best with em.Is there any bull in the White dog
  17. Sam I've never met you but our mutual friend speaks very highly of you and your mates.I understand that your animals are top notch and you ve spent years working on them.I'd ask ye for advice on dogs anytime as I would equally ask our friend(even though hes a nut lol),yous lads are top of your game(regardless of what anyone says). You d be first to agree I'm sure that good dogs from different lines don't gel. The females our friend has are superb as ye know and I know that your genuine and honest and void of jealousy that dominates this game. Please don't think I was referring to you in a
  18. To my mind very important.my mate dug a young dog the other day and despite trying to get info on the breeding it's not going to happen by the looks of things as it was a ads for free job,so If he keeps going as well as he's started he ll never be bred off.We know the breeding of our other dogs and have a rough idea what clicks so I know I won't be any part of a mating from a dog which no one knows anything about to any bitch who's family I know as he could be a sport and could mess up a whole line.Blood is everything.All this shit about as long as it's worker to worker is balls.If that was th
  19. That's the point I'm making Sam if ye have dogs and are trying to trace a ped for no other purpose than knowing or having an idea what to outcross to in future and the people who bred the dogs won't tell anyone even though the dogs where sold by these people why on earth won't they share the info?
  20. Makes sense mate I got a great terrier of a lad a long time ago.the dog was killed at work and I phoned him to let him know he gladly gave me history of dog then......until he found out I had a pup on the ground from the dog then the story changed and the ped changed lol. Jealousy and pride and the dominant begrudging attitude will be the ruination of solid peds. Honesty ain't that common unfortunatly.
  21. Can someone please explain to me why it's so hard to get ped info on dogs your working? Now I understand the dog dealers not getting info as they peddle dogs under false peds,but when lads genuine lads who work and test their dogs and require info for breeding purposes for their own kennels so as what lines to cross back into Cant get info from lads who claim to know it ,in my mind only points to either jealousy or they ve something to hide. This is not aimed at anyone but I don't understand this mentality as,for me the dogs we work and breed,for our own use are up to standard and if som
  22. I don't care what clowns breed off for pets.if a black fell type from working stuff goes to a pet home chances are it ll be in ads for free when it reaches 14-18 month for killing a cat of rabbits as most of them funny batterjack type people like keeping prey animals of some sort and a dog busting to work will eat them out of jackerdales.Fact is any kennels I have contact with will only part dogs to working homes where they can get a future service or just see how the dog comes on.As long as there's terriermen there ll be blacks.
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