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Everything posted by stevemac

  1. Ya I started as a kid with a few finches in a Aviary I built myself best way to learn.
  2. I was at a local zoo yesterday that had a great collection of birds with a good aviary of bush budgies I look for a keeper to have a chat about them but couldn't find the right one.
  3. I hadn,t breed them since I was a kid back then they were just green or blue and were just little bush caught birds. Recently I decided to get myself a few pairs but now they are show breed and all manner of shades and colour patterns. These ones I have are harlequins very pretty birds, so i put then in the aviary and as happens they began to breed. The first clutch comes out 5 chicks and 4 of them are bloody walkers they did not develop their flight or tail feathers. are any of you fellas bugie breeders nd have you struck this in english show lines before Id never seen it before.
  4. There is so much jealously the world over amungst dog hunters. you catch a pig and others here about your the worst in the world, you use a dog outside the excepted norm and you must be some sort of morron. I have never let that shit get to me I feed what I want to and frk every one else. Like I said earlier I had the breed 37 years some were good some not so but I enjoyed giving every one of them a chance. I copied some ribbing over them and some them put egg one the face of the mouths. good luck with your dog, enjoy her how ever she turns out.
  5. I had the Breed for 37 years and hunted every one of them some were good some were Ok some no good. Those were good finders They just about all loved chasing rabbits most dogs do. they do prefer to hunt in open wood land rather than close cover. But Its great to see them crashing through cover after a rabbit or fox if they spot one. Like all dogs they learn better from dogs doing the job than they will from you never had one that could read my mind but if they have it in them they will pick it up farely quickly. ridgebacks are more suited to large game and mine made fair pigdogs finding
  6. I've known a couple the are very busy hunters but not very controllable they are not mute and do yodel. they are cat like in some of their habits and are good climbers. On the upside they have a good nose and trail very well.
  7. Had the dogs running the yard on saturday while I was doing a few chores around the place. After a while i go back around the back and there are a couple of my canaries on the lawn as there was a hole in the bottom corner of my Avery all the dogs and especially the most likely culprit were laying asleep in the sun. From the signs the b*****d had been chasing a mouse and got carried away. the count lost 4 canaries and one diamond dove. They evaded all attempts of capture and the terrier is lucky he didnt knock a hole through the back of his kennel when he arrived in there.
  8. Had the dogs running the yard on saturday while I was doing a few chores around the place. After a while i go back around the back and there are a couple of my canaries on the lawn as there was a hole in the bottom corner of my Avery all the dogs and especially the most likely culprit were laying asleep in the sun. From the signs the b*****d had been chasing a mouse and got carried away. the count lost 4 canaries and one diamond dove. They evaded all attempts of capture and the terrier is lucky he didnt knock a hole through the back of his kennel when he arrived in there.
  9. Ive owned some foxhounds with booming voices but non started before a year to a year and a half. Like always those that started with others picked it up quicker than those started alone.
  10. A cross that is used here in Australia by fellas that hunt fox in places with a lot of cover like black berry. they will drive fox to the running dogs and are quick enough to catch in cover and handle the fox if they do. A nice leggy jackrussell / foxterrier is usually the dog of choise to cross to the whippet.
  11. plenty of Kelpies are used as hunting dogs over here. Mostly as finder bailers on the pigs and a lot a farmers use them as fox dogs to push the foxes from cover deepends on the dog really some have it some do not.
  12. My local hunt had them for along time while changing from harriers to hounds now days they hunt foxhounds but many will tell you they miss the x bred hounds.
  13. It depends on the hounds in the race also I,ve had good success running 1 or 2 but that hound was exceptional when I had 6 hounds I would run them all together anyway as I love listening to the hound music.
  14. small birds stick to the under story and thick cover. only darting out for short periods. parrots tend to stick to large flocks . and it is amazing how the bright colours camouflage in the gum trees. Australia is also a very big place and birds and Cockatiels and budgerigars do not live east of the ranges though they have there own predators. small finches and wrens. get smashed by any of there preditors that can get in where they live but most are to big. the lorikeets are a bit bigger but they cop it from the hawks.
  15. Any bird escapes the aviary here gets smashed by the myriad of birds of prey, from butcher birds to hawks.
  16. It would want to be back in because it is hungry set up food and a pull string trap to catch it when it goes to eat.
  17. I had them for about 12 yrs the bitches mother and daughter great hunters not scared of anything loved pushing cover and would often catch in cover ok if its was a fox or rabbit but the buggers would come out of the tunnels in the black berry attached to a feral pig often enough. they were a lot of fun all the best with her.
  18. quick will srink back and new nail will grow take a couple of weeks.
  19. Ya make sure the timber is protected wrapping mesh around on the inside will do it. parrots are murder on wooden Aviaries. Even Budgerigars will destroy timber especially those big fat show birds you lot turned them into over there.
  20. Just shooting yourself in the foot there are spies everywhere the greyhound industry is under threat out here because of baiting and spies trespassing onto private property and filming or setting up game cameras to do the filming going back latter to retrieve.
  21. stevemac

    Future Bushers

    Beagle spaniel x Beagle jack ?
  22. They look like good robust knock about types good thick coat to go along with it.
  23. my old mate hunted fox and hares with his they were never fast enough to run one down but the caught many in there seat. they have the nose to hunt and they will kill there game if they get a hold of it.
  24. KYboy44 I guess the American cur breeds would fit that job well. I have had a very good friend in the past rest his sole that had kept and bred very good ACDs and having hunted many times with Brett and his dogs I think they would be very capable of doing the jobs you have mentioned in your post.
  25. I've hunted my foxhounds with beagles well they were together at the start after five minutes the beagles were just hunting the big hounds trying to keep up. The harrier is a different story though as Ive stated previously love the drive if not the lesser control. foxhound harrier xs are just right for out here.
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