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Everything posted by stevemac

  1. Yes Neil when Ive had them in the past. just getting back into them. A beautiful bird but I'm lead to believe you need to put the eggs under foster hens, Mannikans are usually used ? The biggest problem is that they come from the very hot climate of the Northern territory and do not have down feathers so even here in Australian it can be to cold for them and they hate a draughty aviary. the wrong conditions and they will fall of the perch. They are self breeders here and a very common aviary bird. right up there for one of the best looking birds. The diamond doves are g
  2. Yes Neil when Ive had them in the past. just getting back into them.
  3. Red Faced Parrot Finch mate. Was just going to ask about that one....can we see a closer pic of it? It caught my eye straight away! Sorry Dodo 1 hes a slippery little bugger and hard to get pics of.
  4. And yet I have had ridgebacks for 37 yrs I've hunted with them raced them shown them and never had a problem with anyone of them with biting the optimum weight is usually about 10lb less them most pet people keep them at. As with any large breed it is more about the owners being capable dog managers than it is about the dogs themselves.
  5. Blue princes parrot he mate is in the box behind him on eggs. Red collar Lorys
  6. A few more of the collection The first fledgling for the year
  7. Just some of the starters for this season
  8. It may be the collar what collars are you running
  9. really mis these to but that foxy and her daughters were belters an pushing game.
  10. the older stud does give rise to possible genetic defects in the pups just as older men fathering children can lead to genetic faults in their off spring. A dog I had that was a very popular stud produced pups in his older years that had a particular gennetic defect that pups he produced when a young dog did not have.
  11. Wife is looking at a nissan X-trail be lucky if it ever sees a dirt road. Ill stick with my hi lux go any where. If you are having trouble with getting one to go any where put some decent tires on it.
  12. kelpies as the story goes came from a time when collie bitches in season were pegged out to lure dingos to traps some times the dingo got through and got the job done most pups were destroyed but the bitch kelpies pups were raised. and the story goes on. So handy dogs can come from the most unlikely xs doesnt mean they could repeat them selves but it happens
  13. you could be lucky by taking a pet and showing it work it might work for you or you could get a pup from workers and lift your chances greatly that you will end up with a worker.
  14. any dog left to roam will become a sheep worrier wouldn't be that the predominate dogs in the areas in the areas where your mate worked were kelpies and cattledogs.
  15. interesting comments seeing the ACD and kelpie both have dingo blood, be it well watered down by now. Australia is such a large place the variance in the breeds that constitute any particular population of feral dog could vary greatly. A pigdog hunted with a couple of years ago bully dingo ridgeback was hard as nails ugly as sin but hard as nails.
  16. Dingoes have made there way into working breeds here and still do. more than one cocky in the mountains still takes a dingo pup and raises it to put over a collie bitch the first x isn't much chop but the second back to a collie are bottlers for working hard cattle in the mountains. When I was a boy my mate raised a dingo/feral dog that his father had got from some where, that dog could run it would race every car in the town up the steepest hill. when he was about ten yrs old he mated a foxhound bitch that was wondering the town. Some of the pups from that litter made fantastic hare hounds t
  17. See a lot of breeds on her that will just get you in a lot of shit when they maul the kiddie next door. Aussie cattle dog just as good as anything and if the bite the Kiddie next door it will be on the Arse not the face.
  18. I had foxterriers for 12 years the first two were great hunters that would do their best on any game whether it was pigs or rabbits or foxes in the blackberry or catching feral goats they were very handy dogs.
  19. They are judged on confirmation compared to the OEG standards.
  20. The fox doesn't have far to go for a feed with them pegged out right out side his den like that.
  21. SHH Aussie whip Don't spread that secret about we fox hunters have a bit of respect up our sleeves that pig hunters shit all over years ago. Dens in Australia are smaller than those over seas usually scratched out rabbit burrows. I have a big terrier and he does struggle to get to his fox a smaller terrier is much handier and a lot of my mates only use bitches because of this doesnt matter about his height if he has a small chest he will be able to do his job.
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