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Everything posted by stevemac

  1. Now hairybull Thats not quit right, while the staghound is mostly a plains hunter and believe me mine love it when I can get them out west, I live on the coast and hunt the mountians and use a pur ridgeback to do the finding for my staghounds. All dogs have a nose but my stags only think they know how to use it and usually back track and use their speed to catch up when they relise the ridgeback has gone the right way. Stevemac ps I do relize I an in the minority though using a pur ridgeback to do the finding.
  2. Hob and jill this one shares the feed boil with the cat. And the cat is no sook it is out doors all the time and the padocks around have plenty of foxes. Stevemac
  3. HI skip I've got a mate with a ferret like that .Bloody thing likes to pinch things though. Steve
  4. Hi Skip Yes mate I'd like that dog in my kennels reccon he will be a real cracker then when he is a bit older, By the way I hear you had to do a bit of the gysie two step when the dogs let go that boar, james couldn't stop laughing when he was telling me. G'day lurcherman and shanedog Looks like you both have a nice set of hounds each its great to see a good set of hounds doing what they are ment to do. Stevemac
  5. Hi shanedog Black dog staghound all deerhound/greyhound blood middle dog pur ridgeback red brindle belongs to a mate he is stag/greyhoundxwhippet/bullygreyhound 7mnths old and hunted real well with my to. Stevemac
  6. I have to 1st cross deerhoundx greyhound and fith generation deerhound / greyhound bred staghound Stevemac
  7. This pic is from a hunt out west, just put it on to show the type of dogs I use we caught 5 that weekend. Pig dogs come in all shapes and sizes and dont have to be meathends.
  8. Lol, Apart from my son my best hunting bud is a kiwi fella half my age. we hunt the mountians a lot together. I tell you he loves going out to the flat country just as much as I do now days, the thing is though we end up walking the creek, river systems and lignum swamps its not bad when you can go back and get the ute to load up the catch. Stevemac
  9. with your hunting laws you fellas might be better of with finder bailer type dogs we got this dog to to use as that type of dog but he has turned out just as hard as any any of our other dogs. Bit of an unfair generalisation L.A.B. Ive worn out plenty of pairs of boots working the hills over here.
  10. Dumb Shit! fancy listening to those crazy Kiwis every one knows you are surpose to grab the blunt end.
  11. Well said Kiwi, it takes a lot more than just being dead game to make a good pigdog. Like brains, speed, strenght and nose just to name a few. Dogs that fight amongst themselves tend to be the first ones shot around here. Stevemac
  12. Gday pilgrim I hunt my Stags in the scrub all the time. but they also have done so since they were pups I have got to say they do ajust their speed in the scrub saving burst of speed for open patches. It might be different in an orchard though where the grass is short and the could see the game all the time though. Its a shame we dont have bowling greens to hunt on over here. Stevemac
  13. Yeh. Same happens here some times Stabs. those that say horses for courses are generally right. Read some history on Lion hunting in africa the other day found it interesting when it said one of the first breds tryed were bulldogs and bulldog x greyhounds they didnt last long as they were to full on and got them selves torn to pieces. steve
  14. As I am a long supporter of the ridgeback breed I started to read this topic with interest only to be disapointed. Rather than finding a constructive conversion I have only found a pack of knockers ready to bag out any one with an imagination, it must be so wounderful to be tucked up in your little cocoons and never having to look past your bull greys or lurches and good luck to you with them. I have known many ridgeback greyhound crosses they are an exerlent dog for roo, fox, pig, hare and rabbit. these dogs are very popular with some professional roo shooters that I know . The ridgeback br
  15. give your whippets time to mature and dont get them sour on hares because they are to young to catch. then you will catch your share. I have a friend down near Canberra and her whippets do well on all fast game. I have a couple of stags that do well on hare but they miss some to. my ridgeback loves to chace them but does not have the speed so he hunts by sight when he is close and by nose when he is not some of his chaces can last an hour. Steve mac
  16. stevemac


    dogging boars and dogging boars 2 from bloombrothers.com.au cheers stevemac
  17. hey Glinly how are you going. hows that pup going. what part of this fine land are you from. if you need a hand posting pics pm me and Ill try and help. stevemac
  18. Gday Millie the English bull terrier was very popular in auss. back in the seventies when I was getting serious about hunting Hot trailling nose, miles of detmination but the bloody things wouldn't let go or if they thought it was their pig lookout any other dog to close. So to counter act this blokes crossed EBTs with cattledogs,Kelpies or any other bidible dog they could find. now the bull cattle cross is legendary around aussie pig hunting circiles. now days the pigs do suffer a lot of hunting pressure and are just as likely to run as stand and fight so most hunters use dogs with a bit of
  19. I take my staghounds out to be checked by an old greyhound man what this man doesn't know about greyhounds isnt worth knowing. Last time I was out there he was telling me how track greyhounds are being breed so fine now in search of that extra fraction of a second that they are having trouble with them braking pasterns and hocks. He also told me that his father and grandfather use to breed live coursing greyhounds when it was legal in this country, to get larger stronger dogs that could be caused all day they would do a deerhound or staghound cross then come back to the greyhound again he sai
  20. Hi Stabs Went to reply to this a couple of days but the missis decided I had better things to do. Yes most Aussie pig hunters dont want to waste their time with anything but pigs. But for me their are not a lot of pigs around here so I keep all rounders I get just as much from causoring a hare or fox as I do from hunting a pig. The 3 dogs I use are a ridgeback (purbreed ) and before He gets a bagging it took me a long time to find the right one He's got a good nose plenty of speed and a big voise if he bails and plenty of strenght when he luggs. then their are the to Staghounds only Deerhoun
  21. Hi these are a couple of pics. from a running dog and working Terrier show down Victoria last October. First pic is a line of staghounds breed down that I beleive they use them mostly use them on foxes, They look like they could handle the odd pig to me. 3rd pic is a working deerhound and a stag bitch litter mate to my staghound bitch,
  22. Hi Stabs There are plenty of dogs over here that can do that type of work my tean consist of 2 staghounds and a ridgeback. we catch plenty of hares as well as our share of pigs. Its pretty important to consider the country you are expecting to hunt, open or lightly wooded flat country suits my dogs the best though we do hunt in country you described as well. mountian pigs tend to be harder to find then the pigs out west and you need a dog with a good nose and high work rate to cover all those creeks and gullies you talk of, My nabour has a bully/boxer cross boarder collie that adds another
  23. Got to agree Kids come first this does not meen that kids wont do some thing to get bit. So I kennel my dogs for 2 reasons To keep them out of trouble when were not around and to proctect them from the public. this might seem like a strange statment but what happens when the dog gets out they wander into the wrong place or they run down and catch an old roo infront of some bunnyhugger, or some little kiddie screams and runs then the worst can happen, so I play it safe and kennel the dogs saves a lot of grief. Stevemac
  24. Hi Koru When I was a lad a mate of mine had one she was a cracker on rabbit and fox good nose and could hunt them out of scrub. She was very smart, quick and could turn on a sixpence. hope this helps. I might add her father if I remember rightly was a rangy choclate and tan working kelpy( the old folks use to recon he sired every pup for 20 miles around LOL) and her mun was a big black cousing greyhound. My mates grand dad use to do this cross a lot when he had the rabbit packs. Stevemac
  25. Hi Ian Good boar you have their, as big and strong as he is you might be surprised how fast he would pull up and sit down with a good staghound or terrier swinging of his nuts. The South Africans use their sight hounds on Warthog and Very large bush pig they teach them to keep away from the pointing end though. Stevemac
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