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Everything posted by stevemac

  2. Like maybreeds thebestcomes outing cross, a mightypigdog type here is boxe x cattle wakes up thr bulldog in the boxers and the x we range out in search of a pig as well as they will work cattle.
  3. No they are a hearding type
  4. the ones Ive had anything to with have been a lot slower to start than the JRs we hunt with. but like most hounds learn well when out as a young dog and have the opertunaty to see the mature dogs do their thing and to follow them around.
  5. Yes not always pure depends on the type of country and how wild the cattle are. those on small holdings dont like them to hard but in the mountains just the go for cattle that only see man every blue moon and dont want to leave their favourite spots.
  6. Work well in cane if they through to the whippet good ballers can get knocked about if they take to lugging. But plenty make their trade as luggers.
  7. You could get onto the coyotes hunting guys but however the only way to have fast dogs in the forest is to raise them there so they learn that trees dont move before they are fast enough to really hurt themselves. A running hound x sight hound could be the ticket for what your after.
  8. O k I kept foxhounds from show kennels myself years ago every one made a dog and could handle what I do.
  9. Do you have her papers just wondering if her lines come from Aus.
  10. True their are and a mate in vic has a very handy 50/50 but having owned a pure bitch I wouldn't bother again.
  11. Just as a side note I had a friend in the 80s and she and her first husband ran their straight salukies on pigs ive never had any reason to doubt the story.
  12. There were a lot of shenanigans went on around the formation of the bull grey and the bull arab. Stollen dogs friendships lost most of it lost in time but i do know a big staghound dogs featured in the early days.
  13. EBT/greyhound x pointer either english or gsp. A lot of dane or bloodhound been added as well. Like all dogs some good guns some rubbish.
  14. To be honest ive not seen one hunt roos but big and strong enough for the job. Bull Arabs are pig dogs generally pig hunters are very hard on dogs that hunt anything other than pigs. Staghound crossed with most things can produce some handy dogs.
  15. Keep digging I've seen big dogs take them one out the sire of my deerhound greyhound he was a special for it he was a mighty deerhound that one.
  16. Roos can open a dog up like a tin of salmon nothing may have happened in that situation as the dog wasn't fighting but many a roo dog has been killed taking down roos
  17. You don't train Parsons haha. He could hand that mighty task. Contact him on face book he actually does help those that are having trouble with dogs.
  18. I know tonks personally he is a very good dog man, he should be hes a zoo keeper and works with elephants
  19. From what you described it won't stopping him buggering off on a scent . Believe me I desexed my JR male to calm down his thought on fighting my other males and it worked for that. But he's has been a brilliant bushes through out his working career sadly now hes retired at 11 yrs old but if he picked up the wrong scent Ie deer or feral pig well I have had some very long walks to get him back. The E collar and tracker have helped.
  20. What you grow up with I recon. Rabbits with ferrets and dogs are fun but still love getting after the foxes and pigs. Totally agree on knifing hogs I will shoot a pig but only when the dogs are busy on another.
  21. In a word I'd say No. even a 6 foot wide tray would have trouble carrying quad sideways the back on a duel cal would be far to short an extra would be ok. And the back on a single cab having the best lengthy.
  22. Any pig allowed to live a wild life will revert to a natural state a lot may be due to foraging and rooting builds much stronger necks and shoulders. Leave them be and their could be a nice feral population for a bit of sport in a couple of generations.
  23. Ive hunted with american staghounds and saluki crosses back in 2010 in New Mexico. They were certainly the real deal would have thought a pure would be to big and strong for rabbits in tight places. But what do I know.
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