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Everything posted by stevemac

  1. Thats Ok HG what area are you from. By the way sippy usually spells his name with a K. LOL My son has spent most nights down at a hobby farm near here lately busting foxes with the staghounds. The owner is very happy as he hasn't lost a lamb to foxes this year. he is essecialy impressed the way the dogs can work right through the sheep and not take any notice to them. I know this isnt very special to any one running their dogs around sheep but is to a fella that has lost sheep to town dogs and usually hates all dogs. pays to put the time in A. STEVEMAC
  2. Its not just you HG sippy has trouble with photos some times. I have hunted my stags with sippies dogs and I have a great respect for the deerhounds, my stags are faster of the mark which does make for shorter runs, but on a big open place were the game might have a big start the deerhounds come into their own. They gobble up the ground with their long strids and leave all others in their wake. Stevemac
  3. A Mate of mine had a GSDX GREYHOUND when we were teenagers we used to use him on fast game which he was great at. He use to get out and wonder the nabourhood a lot. and one day we found him covering a fox hound bitch down the road there were a lot of small beagle packs used for shooting around here in those days. Any way the fella that owned the bitch kept some of the pups they turned out to be some of the best hare and wallwby catching hounds that I have ever seen. they use to hunt them up at speed then use their eyes as well as nose to complete the job. Stevemac
  4. Hi All game What neck of the woods are you from, steve mac
  5. Nice pup, stabs how are those dogs of yours handling the Aussi game. Stevemac
  6. My 28 ins tts stagbitch has the accelleration to pic up a fox in a small paddock, but if they beat her to the bush it is all over foxes are to slick in the undergrowth. However in a large place where the paddocks are several hundred acres both the staghounds can catch foxes with ease. fences or not youv'e got to remember over hear some of the run ups on the course would put you in a different shire over there. steve
  7. Ive got 2 and I love them deerhound x greyhound first cross bitch and how knows how many generations of this cross are behind the dog its any ones guess. Anyway the are great on large game and adequite on small game, they have good stanima and even after a hard run recover quite quickly. Stevemac
  8. As long as it works but there is nothing wrong with a looker that works. Stevemac ps beauty is as beauty does.
  9. Now, now mate, I know what they are capable of as do you, they might not be everyones cup of tea but what dog is. Like you though I dont have the need to replace an inadequate apentage wih a meathead on the back of the ute. LOL And before I get bagged out I have lots of mates with meathead dogs. Go the pinheads
  10. Yes that price would be right Simoman, they had a feild day in Sydney a while back to try and educate people about the breed but they are far to expenceive to be running around the bush with for my blood. There's a south african chap in Queensland that recons you can pick them up from any farmer in south africa for $50.00. He also recons some bullmastiff lines are just as good at what they do. Steve
  11. Hey Tom Pretty sure zeb was the apprentice learning from the masters last trip. LOL By the way there are plenty of myths in dog breed history.
  12. These 3 types of dog at least the short haired verities are what went into the make up of the Bull Arab, Bully, greyhound, Pointer, some love em and some hate em personally I dont care as long as it can catch a hog.
  13. LOL Skip, The ones I have are pretty fast and dont have the any trouble out on the flat country, Something about down the side of a mountian in pine forest that gives the hogs that bit of advantage, Hows your bitch going? It will be good to see which way the pups throw. Steve
  14. Thanks Shell for the reply, Does sound very simmular to my mates litter. STEVE
  15. G'Day Shell could give us some idea of what symtoms these pups prestented and at what age they died. A mate of mine lost a litter and this was given as a posible reason for their demise. Nice pups by the way must be real little fighters all the best with them in the future. Stevemac
  16. Do your self a favor and invest in a tracking collar. It is a must for us when hunting hogs in forrest if the make a catch it is much easier to find them, this would be a benifit to you when the dog stays with his catch. Stevemac
  17. Gday ERD reccon the boarboel would make a great backup dog not sure it would have the speed to run down a hog in full flight though. my staghound male and ridgeback got burnt off by some good mountain boars on the weekend theres just no way they could foot it with them down the side of a mountain. What cross is the best well thats an age old question, and truthfully the answer is whatever works for you if you are luckly enough to have an area that doesn't get much hunting pressure then bully/cattledog types do well and for many years these types were the main stay of the pighunter. Unfortun
  18. each to his own kane, but what do you run Fucken toy poodles or some bull dog to slow to catch any thing.
  19. Hi Stabs Was woundering if you ever made it out here, As these dogs belong to mates of mine I can tell you the large dog is straight deerhound from deernbull kennels, the smaller light collared hairy dog is the sister to my bitch a is first cross deerhound/greyhound, the black dog is Mitch's pup a staghound from an old line in Victoria. And the smooth dogs are pups stag/greyhoundxwhippet/bullygreyhound good luck on the weekend Stevemac
  20. Good Pics Mitch Wish I could have been out with you and the Fellas all acounts it was a good hunt. Stevemac
  21. Lol LM A little harsh but very true. Getting back to the original Question I have seen dogs beaten by dogs half the size of that but it wouldn't stop me trying. If it were free range in the mountains of cause. Cant see the pleasure of a trophy taken in a canned hunt. Stevemac
  22. Good style of dog that whats the make up. Stevemac
  23. just to get back to the original question, on a recent trip out west catching fast game and pigs Their were 5 Deerhounds, 6 staghounds, 1 greyhound, 1 ridgeback, 2 Am. bulldogs, 1 bull arabx am bd, 1 bullystag and 1 bully/boxerx boardercollier/kelpie So you see amongst me and the mates both get a run. wouldn't call any of them ugly, as I am a firm beleiver in Beauty is as beauty does. and by the way all the pur breeds are kennel club reg. and I am a show dog judge as well as a hunter And I am sorry to say Kate the boys are right your comments smack of elelist crap (wish I could spell some
  24. Now hairybull Thats not quit right, while the staghound is mostly a plains hunter and believe me mine love it when I can get them out west, I live on the coast and hunt the mountians and use a pur ridgeback to do the finding for my staghounds. All dogs have a nose but my stags only think they know how to use it and usually back track and use their speed to catch up when they relise the ridgeback has gone the right way. Stevemac ps I do relize I an in the minority though using a pur ridgeback to do the finding.
  25. Hob and jill this one shares the feed boil with the cat. And the cat is no sook it is out doors all the time and the padocks around have plenty of foxes. Stevemac
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