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About Sully

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 17/09/1970

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  1. Hello mate, how tall is the rider of this bike ?
  2. gutted.....just read the last thread of this inspirational post, Liam, the world is your oyster, the way you have come across with your excellent writing skills has totally sucked me in, I understand youve got your school work....but come on matey...more more more
  3. Oz, your talking about alot of people, decent honest folk, tell you what mate, people like you will keep this sport progressing, bringing new people in, people with new idea's, welldone mate, and thanks, ATB Craig, ps anyone takes the pizz out of these lads needs a visit in the wee small hours, and your bollox cutting off with nail clippers !
  4. general piccies mate, but drop some on of the cassette and crank etc and any marks dents etc would be great, not a messer mate, been after one for a while, Thanks
  5. Alrighty mate, could you send me some actual piccies please,collection's not a problem, £'s are waiting, cheers, Craig.
  6. hate this make me an offer thing, what you looking for it mate ?
  7. Hi Steve, Im after a stags head, im not a helicopter pilot, but I would like to know A if you have them and B what sort of price they are ?

    my mobile number is 07976274781

    Thanks Craig

    PS I am in Ilkeston Derbyshire

  8. Thanks for your help, I'll keep looking
  9. Hi all, Im sorry this perhaps isnt the right place, but im after a mounted stags head, seen them on flea bay but cost a fortune and Im trying to pick something up, dont suppose you ve got one or know someone who has one please ? Thanks Craig
  10. Thank god there are others out there like me that took the more difficult option, welldone mate, I hope it all works out for you both
  11. GE YA £60 FOR IT ?
  12. Alright all, Im usually on the lurcher forum, but I thought I'd ask if what happened to me yesterday was a usual accurance, day off work yesterday, the missus calls me on the way to work and says theres a large deer looks dead on the verge of a road near our house, so, off I trundles and fines the very dead deer, a large roe doe, so I hauls it into the van and off I go home, thinking it's going to feed the dogs for a Month, so out comes the knives and on I get, anyway, to cut the story short, she was heavily pregnant, I found it very difficult to come to terms with taking the young fawn out, c
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