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Everything posted by jackson2kaii8

  1. you agreeing about the 4 dogs on one hare i dont really give a f#ck once the land i hunt isnt hunted in that way onece im able to course hares and not all of them to get killed by out siders..!!sorry if i offended any of the travelling men and i even rang a few of the travellers i no to tell them and they said if they did find out who it was there legs would be broke so they wernt travellers round carlow..!! gudluck
  2. here we go so u dont mind if thers 4 dogs on one hare..??i dont care if your a traveller or settle but thats the stupidest thing i have ever heard..!!nothin wrong with traveller to get my facts right,its just at this time they were travellers and could of been settled man and i would of still put up the topic up if it was a settled man
  3. shur they were,i wouln be sayin it was travellers if it was settled ppl would i..??
  4. im friends with travelers and no alot of them but these lads were travellers,i wouldnt put down travellers on this topic if i new they wernt but they were and my mate and the farmers seen the 4 dogs on the hare..!!
  5. im friends with travelers and no alot of them but these lads were travellers,i wouldnt put down travellers on this topic if i new they wernt but they were and my mate and the farmers seen the 4 dogs on the hare..!!
  6. there are a few who know there stuff... And itws easy to call names sat on here... yeah lad i no travellers that do fear play with one dog but these had 4 i dont no what sort they were but not fair play..im not just sayin brcause there travelers,some settled ppl do it to dont get me wrong..!!
  7. looks well boned up for a 9 months looks a cracker!
  8. shur the worst dog out of them all could of caught it wi all 4 of them on it..!!
  9. why could ppl bullsh#te about how bad coursing is ones its fair play i dont mind but i hate them online anti sites bullsh#te
  10. dunno but the farmer rang the guards and one the boys went down to kick them off the land and they had the 4 dogs on the hare..!!
  11. travellers were caught by the guards coursing up in a place in tinryland yesterday in carlow they had 4 dogs on one hare bad form..!!
  12. is it legal to course a hare in ireland with lurchers?? i always taught it was illegal in ireland..?
  13. no but the actuall pole how long are they?
  14. how long are the poles ye get from the manufactured quickset longnet that are for sale on the net...??
  15. is tat 30£ including the p+p??
  16. nope, try advanced netting. He wants £40+ for what????? not 4z sheet netting, i pay no where near that. how muh do you pay for 200 yards 4z??
  17. loads of clips on youtube of him!!
  18. thanks but im from ireland lad haha
  19. http://www.donedeal.ie/for-sale/dogs/1779014 i checked these pups out today very nice pups and are goin to be good allrounders hes also has a little whippet which i was tempted to take but i got one of the saluki pups has 4 pups left lads and at a good price!!
  20. i get mine off golf courses old poles for the flag!!!
  21. fibre glass poles are terribley dear
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