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About clockhouse

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  1. Does anyone know of any beating in this area for the coming season? Cheers
  2. Hi. If the weather is good the fair should be excellent. Not sure about lurcher shows but the show in general has got better and better over the past few years.
  3. Thinking about getting a shotgun. What bore would be the best bore for rabbits pigeons and just walking about the fields. Also, what is cheapest to run in terms of cartridges? Cheers
  4. I'm 17 and learning to drive. Considering one of these for a first car. Any views on these and whats insurance like?
  5. Thanks for the help think i'm going to go for sgc. do i need to pay for the license AND pay for adding the first gun onto it? Also any ideas abut what kind of gun? cheers
  6. I have permission for plenty of land problem is its flat and next to a motorway
  7. thanks ive shot 12 bores before at clays but might be better at statics
  8. Cheers any ideas about type shotgun to start?
  9. I'm looking to get my first certificate gun (got an air rifle) and would like advice on what to get. I'm 17 and want to shoot rabbits pigeons just general shooting. Any advice about what is best for a budget would be much appreciated. Rory
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