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    Mega Hunter

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  1. I liked using my pointer x lab, must of started taking him at 8 months? brought him on well and soon got the knack for pointing. like foxdropper said I didn't used to let my dogs go feral, just treat it like a practice shoot day to steady the dogs.
  2. My first rifle was a sako 75, bought from a shop, i had no idea how old it was but it had a swaro 8x50 and a pez moderator my boss at the time said it was a good deal. Its now shot out and away getting re-barrelled after 4-5 years and not all that many rounds through it, 400 upwards at a guess.
  3. I just couldn't hit a barn door with the vinci, tried adjusting it and lining it up no end, shot a hell of a lot better with my old M1, thought id give something else a try, getting on with the beretta A400 so far, even though I don't trust the gas system
  4. i was told they were around the £500 mark
  5. Ive got a Sako 75 which im wanting to get an afterarket stock for (anyone suggest a brand that suits big hands?) I've realised that everything under the sun fits a T3, 700 or 1500 and cant see much that will fit my 75 bar McMillan but I really don't have the patience to wait 6+ months for one. As far as I understand sako and tika are made in the same factory with sako being of a higher standard somehow, are there any tika models with the same blueprint in the stock to a sako 75? which might make it easier to find myself a stock Thanks Rob.​
  6. thinking of trying on as my next work gun, love my benellis but fancy a change, what do you guys make of them, how hardy are they for not needing cleaned? bit worried about it being a gas operated gun as I've never had one.
  7. Ive never tried a pump action other than a handfull of shots at clays, once your used to it do you find it dosent effect your swing?
  8. Having just given up on my Benelli Vinci ive found im at a bit of a loss to what im going to replace it with. Been using my old M1 recently but considering trying an SX3. I've always been a die hard believer in Benellis, no doubt the toughest guns going, but think its time to try another make (with a longer stock) since I've only ever used a Nell. What would you recommend, got to be able to be an 8 shot at least, tough and reliable. And I appreciate the guys that use their auto every other weekend recommending something but I'm really after the opinions of the guy dragging theirs about wi
  9. ROB.BOB


    Ive got a 2 year old first cross pointer lab, over the moon with him but he's become very sticky on point in his second season working, sometimes you literally have to walk up behind him and give him a push to get him to move in no matter how much encouragement you give him. any tips to get him to lift game on command?
  10. cheers guys, I maybe wasn't clear enough to begin with, I'm meaning in your bag when your putting them out, attached to the teilers already etc, I was thinking of filling the bag with big alcathine and slotting one down each piece, maybe not ideal but everything starts with an idea
  11. Has anyone got any tips of how to pack snares or any contraptions they use to stop snares tangling as you pulling them out of your bag? I've been getting in a right mess
  12. Just got a deer bull grey pup, a light brindle shaggy beast, love it but I still don't know how to put pictures on here
  13. Do you have any pictures of your polish/Hungarian lines? rather than the Google results
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