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About backfiller

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 17/07/1995

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  1. i have purse nets, brand new, no pegs,6oz three foot long they are brown in colour, 100 pound collected or can post for extra.
  2. Nice got one my self and they are brilliant.
  3. hi mate, im just outside Canterbury, but can post.

  4. where abouts are you how much for the red one?
  5. hi, i have a few hob kits left from a litter, they are three weeks old at the moment,the jill is albino and the hob is polecat they are silver. free to a good working home bred from good working ferrets. im in beaminster (dorset)pm if any one is interested. thanks
  6. brand new purse nets red in colour in packs of ten and have five packs for sale they are 6z. 20 pound a pack posted thanks.
  7. bit to far thought mate but if you are willing to post i wil take it. thanks
  8. shame you aren't closer pal real bargain there
  9. could you post it mate ? i will take it for 400 if you could cheers
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