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Everything posted by RugerM

  1. Hi, what are people using atm? I would like something in the 4-16 to 5-20 mag, 50mm objective and 30mm tube. Price needs to be £4-600. I read some recent reviews on forums about vortex having issues, is this true?
  2. Has anyone compared the fox pro inferno to the icotec??
  3. Has anyone got both the icotec 500 and fox pro inferno?? Comparison and opinions welcome Thanks
  4. Apologies if not quite the right section to post. What torch/lamp is every one using? I am after a scope mounted torch/lamp. Looked so far only at night master 800 and the deben ledray f900. What does everyone think??
  5. Any other ideas would be appreciated? Thanks
  6. No, i cant think of any changes i could make to bracket or lamp to allow me to attach the lamp. I may have to get something machined. Thankyou again
  7. Thanks for your reply. I was looking at the Simrad web sight and all i can find are the actual scope mounts, I will continue to look. I hate to put you to the trouble but do you have a link to evn a photo of the lamp bracket? Thanks again for the help!
  8. Hi, I have a S&B PM model scope on which the tube diameter is 34mm. The problem i have is that the scope bracket they give you with the lightforce lamp does not fit. I was wondering has anyone else had this problem, if so how did you overcome it?! I really would like to mount the lamp to the rifle! Thanks
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