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dave dog

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About dave dog

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  • Birthday 17/12/1975

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  • Interests
    Shooting, sea fishing.
  1. I think the ones who are using the hand movments need to take a look at why they shoot, and if hand moments are all you can comment with why bother. Putting a erpsonce up.Shooting it not a right in this country like it is in some. We need to make sure that we don't loss it. Its not right to such large caliber weapons like that, but for some of us its leagal. We know what rounds like this do, i shoot foxes with 270win and upto 150 yrds bits come off. But i would not post it on any forum, people and joe public seeing photo like this may agree differenetly about what we can use, some of us are
  2. I see alot you use MTC scopes on center fire rifle just would like to know how you all find them. And are they wroth the money, see quite a few on 22.250 just wonder how the reticule measures up at different range. I like the idea of that scope but don't know how is for long rang shooting. Look forward to your feed back. Dave
  3. I am in the market for 22.250 rilfe trouble is don't know what to get. Like the look of Win mod70 coyot lite rifle, i already mod70 in 270 ligthwiegth that ok. Know for new tikka m595 new still in its box. Or weather to go for the good old remy. So noit sure waht to go for as have quite of fox and long range rooks to shoot. Did thing about second hand do some people say to stay clear of this caliber in second hand, as it burner in the barrel i know. Any recomendtions out there or experinances. Dave
  4. Hello to all. My name is Dave. Been shooting since the age 14 now in my early 30's, 33 to be correct. Do all froms of shooting from air rifle to full bore stuff, mainly in the form a wild magament "it sounds better" also do a bit of deer when funds allow. Shoot over few farms. That about as breif as it can get for me. Look forward to read and gettiung involed on the site. Dave.
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