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About kazar

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  2. I hope this link works. He's the fittest looking genuine game dog I've ever seen a picture of: http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modul...amp;dog_id=2433
  3. Sorry, were I'm from that is not classified as baiting. Rodsmith I am not an anti! I was offended by some or the posts so just stayed away for this thread for awhile. But most of you are right. I am not too experienced with Earth hunting yet(only two seasons under my belt) and should have just stayed quiet and let the more experienced hunters reply. I just saw Rebels request for help that was not replied to yet and tried to help. Looks like I did more harm than good. I'll try to bite my tongue until I have a lot more experience.
  4. My suggestions will not do a bit of harm and will see if the dog is ready to start. Of course going out with an experienced hunter is better, but not everyone has that option. No need to get rude guys.
  5. Hi rebel I would play around with her a bit to make sure she's ready to work game for real then begin hunting in ernest with her on the easiest game available to you and develop her from there. Nutria work well if you have access to them. In trying to see if she's ready for real hunting you could try buying some rats at the local pet shop and seeing if she will kill them. Begin as easy as you can and gradually make each kill more and more challenging until you have her really hunting for them and readily going deep into tight dens after the biggest, wildest rats you can get your hands on. Afte
  6. Nice looking bitch. She was catching serious air in the 2nd and 3rd pic's. I'd dig Coyotes with her if I had one like that. Great job on her conditioning.
  7. Hi I'm new here, but would like to give my two cents. I spent a year buying Earthdogs and went through 6 to get one game dog that hunts reasonably well. 5 were pure Patterdales and the one that worked out is a Fell(Lakeland/Patterdale mix). My very limited experience is that Gameness is a rare commodity, but willingness and the potential for obedience is fairly common in the lines I had(good obedience takes countess hours of hard, consistent work from you to achieve). Get your dog from someone who works them hard and only buy a pup or a finished adult. Something in-between will probably be a c
  8. Hi I've been into Patterdales and Fells for over a year now so some may know me. I've just gotten over a rough time were my Wife tried to get me out of the sport, but failed to do so. I now hunt or prepare for hunting Monday through Fridays. I hunt with a 4.5 year old Fell named Mick. We look for Fox dens and try to avoid Coyote, Porcupine and Skunk. Soon I hope to start looking for Badger were I intend to actively hunt them this coming Fall. Last Summer and Fall I learned a LOT about hunting Badger, but was only able to find good hunting areas very far from were I live. Next Fall I hope to hu
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