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Everything posted by bonanza

  1. I split a disc in my back by sneezing. After just about coping with a weekend of feeling bone on bone & pain like you cant imagine I was rushed into hospital and had emergency op. Woke up next day to find I cudent move or feel my legs. 4 weeks in hospital, 9 months off work & a year of physio nearly sorted it. That was 6 years ago & I can still remember the pain.
  2. I got a tiny piece of rape straw in my arm years ago and within 24hrs it had balloned to twice its normal size and was full of pus and gunk. So no, I try not to run my dog on it.
  3. Try googling Sammy Miller,New Milton,Hampshire. Loads of spares for most trials bikes.
  4. I got an 18mo old lurcher from a rehoming centre just over 3yrs ago.Yes he had problems,yes he was neutered, but he works well eniugh for what I need and is a good companion.He has had rabbit,hare and more and I must admit has been a bit of a surprise.I,m happy enough with him and yes I would do it again.
  5. Served my time as a plater,but now make "magic" white powder at same site as Shamen by the sound of it. Used & abused but ok money &time off.
  6. Had a similar thing with my lurcher.Found a marble size lump in front armpit.Vet said it looked like a small tumour &cut it out for tests.5 stitches &1week later he said it looked like it was a reaction to a tick bite or similar.£125 for five minutes work but peace of mind at the end of the day.
  7. My lurcher@lakeland once stole and ate a full christmas cake and 2 dozen eggs off the kitchen side.They had bellies like drums for days,every time they had a drink the fruit would swell.
  8. Great to see this topic on here.Ive beenlooking at brisa &attleboro sites &catalogues for a while now.One of those kits looks just the job for somewhere to start.
  9. Sorry its a late reply. Yes motorbikes
  10. Thought it was my comp as was avin same problem on different site(bikes)
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