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"the spainard"

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Everything posted by "the spainard"

  1. well barry , Are you having the racing before the open show or after??
  2. hi we havent desided yet who will be juding.. have a few people in mind.. Just out of curiosity,why must all dogs be muzzled? You could find that this might put a lot of doggy men of if they have to go out and buy muzzles to get in. in the racing ya plank. Fair dues,sounds about right Good luck with your show, hopefully will be able to attend..If the Spainard gets outa his weekly saturday sunbed appointment early we should make it Sure ive my own bed in the garage ? We will be in full attendance, Im drinkin, your driving!
  3. Best of luck with the show , good location, will suit people traveling from north and south just off M1 ,
  4. Enjoyed the day and for a great cause. Thanks margret you know fine rightly were he gets his looks from
  5. BUMP What time we kicking off at cuba? Any baby changing facilities?
  6. you mean you were entered in a pet show once, no, i entered you remember? heres a pic of that day, you were being so good and then you bit the judge fukkin pmsl, and i could'nt walk strait for days after you enterd me, your not a very gentle lover ive seen a lot but thats just wrong How did you keep the white socks clean wetdog?
  7. Margret , Their is an old saying "Water off a duck's back" The snake that insulted you and your husband 1 million miles from what you are and stand for in life, Any time i meet you at any show your always making the most and never pass me or my company for a bit of a yarn or craic , carry on regardless !
  8. Does anyone know if fairplay grew ball's and is goin to post his or her name??
  9. you cant be calling spaniard an asshole, he did choose the Kings of Leon at Slane castle over the lurcher show at Moira it make him a bit of a looser but he is not an asshole I hope Paco got a good view of the Stage at Slane and done some crowd surfing. Dont worry about it skinny even my father called me an asshole , The kings of leon are cheats too ! Ive been slaging the s*it out of them on their website since i got back. yes ive f**k all else to do!!
  10. If you have judged as you say you have, you will know the thankless task it is, They give up their free time for unpaid job to get slaged off at the end of the day.Did you getted slaged off when you judged? did everyone leave te field happy? No i was not at the show on saturday but i know the stewards and judges well and as you were saying that the judges were told what to pick i am more than entitled to voice my opinion as are you .
  11. Your Barred, The beds now have a weight restriction after your last visit ! :piggy:
  12. Support to Gilford Lurcher & terrrier a well run show with the option of paying into the main fair. These guys get the dogs up the race track one heat after another with no waiting around dogs run a showing over and time to walk around the main event if you wish CAN SOMEONE POST THE POST CODE FOR DIRECTIONS OR THE NAME OF THE ROAD FOR THOSE NOT FIMULAR TO THIS EVENT THANKS The Postcode is BT670LE Moira Demense it's approx 1 mile from main Moira Roundabout it will be well sign posted for the Game Fair with seperate parking for the Lurcher & Terrier's in which there will a
  13. Have you tried to "google" it? was chatin to someone last week they thought is was 25 block plus ?
  14. Anyone know of the record pull for any strong dog ??? :showoff:
  15. This show had everything and more! one of the best ive attended in years, well done tango and all who helped to make it happen . Any date sorted for next year???
  16. pics on k9 330. look out for the big fawn rough coated dog in the simulated coursing. He runs like a shoppin trolley !
  17. I bought two on line in a garden center 12.50 each. They can also be used for mink and squirrel. Carrot seems to be the better bait. good luck. Primrose london £14.45 each deliver in two days ,just goggle live squirrel trap and it shuld come up.
  18. I bought two on line in a garden center 12.50 each. They can also be used for mink and squirrel. Carrot seems to be the better bait. good luck.
  19. Looking forward to sundays show. Was chating to one of the lads on saturday and he mentioned that they had 14 stalls coming ! If all goes well and along with everything else packed into the day inclunding the countrys only strong dog pulling event, This will be by a long shot IRELAND'S show of the year! See you all in sunny ballymartin PS. Tango is doin B+B if anyone needs somehere to kip.
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