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Everything posted by phantomflanflinger

  1. profile vistitors dont be afraid just ask

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      Do you say 'our' or 'are'?

    3. walshie


      What's the difference between a shrimp and a prawn?

    4. pip1968


      my nan had a prawn hanging out of her,,,well it tasted like one

  2. Id be telling the young man there will be an in creased charge due to the extra expense incurred by the new methord of despatch he has asked you to comply with .
  3. On behalf of some one else lol Judge a working terrier on it suitibllity to carry out the task it was bred for Lakeland type. Black n tan. Red, brindel black. As enterd at lowrther castle terrier show run by the six fell packs Game fairs run for ££££££ gain Lakeland =. Blackntan Patterdale Black / choclate Russel smooth Russel. Rough Border Cross bred. As above lakeland patterdale russel border THAT AINT WON A ROSSET IN ANY OF THE ABOVE
  5. Donny the kc if used in the correct manner is a vast souce for records , like many well meaning orgs it was taken over by £££££££ chases and egotistical pims sipping cranks , am sick of being a secutary lol
  6. years..There is no real breed called a plummer, they are only a Russell type really, " The best and most honest sentence ever wrote on this site " some one just rang me yo put that on. Lol
  7. The population stats has nothing to do with englands lack of tech it stems from their youth coaching we try to produce players for the prem big strong fast tech is not in the fa traing book flare has been rooted out are natonal side will only decline while the current system is in place The grass root coaching Is to blame rooney had skill and flare it has been taken away from him, the differance beetween english and the imported talent is they are the finished model when they arrive , we lack in every position. Dont blame woy for decades of clowns running are national sports coaching.
  9. Paulus i asure you iam not gte he set up my account on one of his several pc's. and ipads lol any one who wants to get in touch with him pm me though ill pass the message on ,
  10. Who ever wins it tiersel has GTE 's details you will get your picture
  11. . And beagle x wont hunt on lol any dog will hunt up obviously hounds more so,.................ive never heard fox hounds driveing to the guns(maybe im young and dumb) ............now if your drawing cover with hounds your not driving to the guns,..........for fox drives to the guns at one end of the cover ,..............smaller dogs like beagle x terrier would be more appropreiate,.......fox hounds are for finding and hunting ,......you will not find a pack of fox hounds drawing cover surrounded by guns,...........for one its dangerous for hounds and men,............in my opionion you only u
  12. Were the f**k is robin hood when you need him !!!
  13. BBC RADIO 5 yesterday spent the morning trying to convince its aurdience that it is wrong to blame the muslim religion or pakistani race for the current spate of cases of child sex grooming cases , the case in oxford was that bad the press would not print the abuse and police officers who investigated it openly cried in court. WELL THE CREATURES who were found guilty by a british court of law and tried them under british law must have read out a form filled in by the accused as with all cases. A charge sheet asks. You nationality. PAKISTANI. BRITISH RELIGION MULISM Was t
  15. Gte. You have your very own stalker. A Dick from denbigh. Lol. Be careful . Up on them moors gte
  16. Weirdo hiding in a cardboard box with a camera !!!!!!!
  17. Darcus Howe one of the most racist blacks ever to be given a tv program made a documentary years back ridiculing British white culture a west Indian talks really slow walks like a sloth the mans a nasty piece of work
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