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About madeinscotlandman2

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  1. Yeah thanks for that. The dog is about a year old but i got him when he was 10 months. I done alot with him in this time hes a great learner. He always cmes to me when i recal him in the house or in the garden and he comes to me about % of the time when i recal him outside. But he always ignores me when he sees an animal if hes a bit awayfrom me. Another quick question. Lets say im in the park with him and i recal him and he doest come to me. What should i do, keep shouting him repeatedly or shout him once then go and drag him over to me? Thanks guys
  2. I have a almost year old Bullx. I took him to the wood the other dayfor he first time and he saw a deer and chased it. I lost him for 1 and a half hours. I almost lost my voice shouting him. Eventually i saw a big deer run by me then i heard a him barking and about 30 seconds later he came running towards me. Im affraid this will happen again if i dont put a stop to it now. Today i was over the golfcourse with him and his recal was good until he ran into a bush and ignored me so i walked beside the bush and screemed COME HERE ! and he came out the bus and sat at my side. When we were leaving t
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