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terrierman 1

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Everything posted by terrierman 1

  1. thanks mate now started to catch might get my self a better rod and reel
  2. hi welcome and enjoy hope u like on here
  3. just wondering is any one a member of warrington anglers thinking of joining next season and just wondering what there water like to fish many good fish in there waters
  4. hi mate the tossers need stoppin hope u get them the scum they givin disent lads with dogs a bad name its hard 2 get land to go on as it is
  5. thanks well enjoyed it carnt wait 2 get out agine
  6. by glyncerriog noy far from osresty carnt get the pic of chirk on the one at congelton plenty room of 18 arces and can hire a boat there
  7. have you looked on ebay mate should be some ceap ones on there
  8. me and couple of mates trap mink we dont put any bait in they kill alot of animals and dont need to take the food out the trap they more nosey and go in a emty trap once u cought one leave it in and get it to musk off in the the trap and the smell will bring others in or get ear drop bottle from cemest and cut the piss bag get some in the bottle when u put new trap down put a drop in mate
  9. still not that good at castin but getting better thoe put up a good fight
  10. had my first trout after 3 months of starting fly fishing 2 pound 10 ounces rainbow at westlow mere conglton and my 2nd trout from chirk fishery 1 pound 15 ounces blue trout carnt wait to go agine
  11. well said al seen john other day mate a good week wont it mate [bANNED TEXT] u been up to
  12. thank for the tips what the best time to start feeding
  13. just wondered whats the best feed to get more mallard and teal the pools
  14. its not down to size mate, topography has a lot to do with it. cheers [bANNED TEXT] just wounderd coz gone 2 put in 4 it allready got 17 hmr y is [bANNED TEXT] ban text y is mate banned text
  15. its not down to size mate, topography has a lot to do with it. cheers [bANNED TEXT] just wounderd coz gone 2 put in 4 it allready got 17 hmr y is [bANNED TEXT] ban text
  16. its not down to size mate, topography has a lot to do with it. cheers [bANNED TEXT] just wounderd coz gone 2 put in 4 it allready got 17 hmr
  17. how much land do u need 4 a 233 n 243
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