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terrierman 1

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Everything posted by terrierman 1

  1. deepest sympathy to his family for there loss rip nick
  2. has got his new land rover disco 300tdis

  3. nice fish will try that mate got my two in the freezer how long u cook yours for
  4. my blue trout i had at chirk pic not very good
  5. well done mate nice size fish they do put up a better fight there only caught two one at westlow and one at chirk the one at westlow put up a better fight and a lot other people say the same im gone to go after cristmas when i get chance and get some more flies what did u catch urs on got mine on blood worm :thumbs-up:
  6. thanks mate carnt wait till i can get on the rivers as well ad a couple of greyling want to catch trout out of the river
  7. hi mate :welcomeani: go for bellman and flint ive got one have a look on www.bellmanandflint.co.uk mine came next day when i brought mine
  8. im goin to hire a boat next time go westlow mere they cachting more than any one eles only 7 pound but have to book in advance keep at mate
  9. i got mine couple of months ago made up with it not had any problems with it use mine for bushing with terriers
  10. will give them a try mate got some buzzers think ive got couple of nymphs what line you use on yours ive got intermediate on mine
  11. i would go for light force (lance or striker or blitz )
  12. hi mate have look on youtube got videos on there
  13. i srated mine on lamp let him wacth my older dog first then let him have couple of runs try writing a topic on lurchers hounds so people with lurchers can they will more looking on that page who may of had the same probelm
  14. :welcomeani: mate hope you enjoy it on here
  15. hi im putting in for a 223 got my permission slip signed on 24/7/09 but not had time sort me refances and photos out yet filled most of appliction form in dose it matter if i wait till after cristmas with the date on permission being diffrent already got fac got 17hmr on it
  16. hi mate hope you have a good week end look forward to seeing some pics
  17. only better it will get my nephews first on a fly was 18lb 10oz. lucy c**t good fish that mate bet it took some landing took me about 5mins to land mine and nakerd me arm
  18. :welcomeani: hope u enjoy it on here
  19. yes hope so me younger brother caught is first two trout last week at chirk fishery he was startin to get fed up of not cathing so glad he caught so he still goes
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