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Everything posted by gary09

  1. isnt it a kick in the balls when u take your dog lampin an it runs down the beam an never comes back!!!! 10 month old saluki/bull/whippet brindel bitch.
  2. lovely looking dog lad, i dnt care myself weather there crosses or not... as long as there stayers!!! wots ya dog like on its game?
  3. thare not crosses well lakey pats are mate joke mate, lakey was put in the pat years ago. the man had his line for 20 years. heres a photo of my 1 year old bull x
  4. there lakey pats mate, the smooth one was the only one in the litter and i liked the look of him!
  5. hello heres a photo of my new terriers, what do you think? 10 weeks old today!!!
  6. where did u get him? looks a big dog. whats it x with?
  7. someone on here told me that i had to put my photos on photobucket so i could put them on here, so can anyone please tell me how to move them from photobucket to huntin life.
  8. Help plz u can you tell me how to upload pics because i keep gettin a error msg
  9. hello just wonderin if anyone can tell me how 2 upload pics, thanks
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