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Everything posted by Ryan_b_09

  1. Frt u sed the net making gear as sold but u just told me u still av it. Av u sold it or avnt u?
  2. Me n a few mates are going were from castleford
  3. They all want hanging make me sik to the stomach!
  4. I double knot but single is ok I think but people make em different ways
  5. Sound man is jambay good look with rehomin er pal
  6. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=182093
  7. Y carnt I upload photos on my iPhone?
  8. It wnt disappoint u mate I'm sure n cheers
  9. theres 3 of the rabbits with it pal
  10. Yes mate shot 4 with this gun the other nyt frm around 50 yards gud lil rifles
  11. The dog im onabout is a red dog pal
  12. Iv gt a dog of sonny called jack mate if u no which i meen
  13. Does anyone no which DVD with sonny coursing on it cheers
  14. Anyone got any good dvds like ferreting,coursing ones cheers
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