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Everything posted by Ryan_b_09

  1. Ye orate my spelling isn't the best but people understand it so what does it matter? Only sayin I think it is wrong what he as done so don't think my signature really matters does it pal?
  2. He's called EDITED TO ADD PLEASE DONT PUT PEOPLES NAMES ON A PUBLIC FORUMhe dnt cum on this site I don't think well I hope he doesn't though he can tell one hell of a story 99 percent is bull s**t
  3. That's it pal he dont deserve a dog
  4. Makes me think what actually runs through people's heads
  5. http://m.preloved.co.uk/m/showadvert/105587211/lurcher-pups.html
  6. Just wunded what ur forts on this is? There's a lad round my end who thinks he is the bees knees he as breed his bitch at 13 month old on her first heat with is other dog that is about 15 month old the dogs avnt even seen any game Neva mind caught any just want to no what u think as I think he needs a good beatin.How can anyone breed there own dog at that age is beyond me this is the link think he needs some stick my self!
  7. Iv gt the gun mate just after a multi shot for it cheers
  8. Would like a s200 177 multi shot kit if any one as one for sale cheers
  9. Agoutis the best mate quality gear
  10. Av a look at this pal http://www.smoothshooting.com/products/bolt-handles/airarms200mk2-bolthandle-lh-smooth/376 hope it helps
  11. Iv pm him pal but no reply yet
  12. I would like the forley cup 2000 if anyone as it cheers
  13. There was a a BSA super sport on ere dnt no if it as sold though n it was about wt u wanted t pay ope this helps atb
  14. Ok mate n no pal ad 1 before prefer pcp's but cheers anyways
  15. Just wundering were the cheapest place will be to buy a pump t fill the air arms s200 up just sick of goin to the gun shop
  16. Or yh sorry it's 100 yard With poles n grommets n basket
  17. 4oz used a couple of time want rid as I don't use it like brand new £100 pick up preferred
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