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Everything posted by Ryan_b_09

  1. what happend we was out lamping last night me and two of my mates. My mate looked at his phone to see what time it was and it said do u want to recive a file from crimestoppers that was through bluetooth
  2. any 1 out tonight windy as hell up ere should be a decent night
  3. R.i.p Solo u will be sadly missed

  4. R.i.p Solo u will be sadly missed

  5. Out tonight with the boys winds soundin good t me anybodyv else out tonight

  6. ebay pal http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-Stickers-Ferret-Finder-Wheel-15ft-Mk3-/250886411187?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item3a69fed3b3
  7. going for a shine later if the rain holds off

    1. rob190364


      why if the rain holds off? are you soluble? :)

    2. Ryan_b_09


      no mate just pisses me off trekin in rain lol ;)

  8. going for a shine later if the rain holds off

  9. sounds a good dog shouldnt be around long
  10. your soooooo gangster, can i be like you? just sayin [bANNED TEXT] i think to farmers shooting dogs for no reason i understand if there chasing livestock about
  11. You sound a clever one, just the type we need in fieldsports.. Just sayin if a farmer is gunna shoot your dog for running some rabbits doing no1 no harm then he needs to get a grip i can understand if there is livestock in the fields or there is a shoot on there then fair play to him
  12. for vthe doors mate n crnt find a shop that does them only bnq n there 8 quid fo 2 lol
  13. does any one no were i can buy a couple of quick release clips for ferrets boxes please
  14. 15ft ferret collar swop for 8ft good condition face to face only
  15. what size needle is the best for making purse nets as i am sick ov running out ov material and have to tie on all time
  16. would you sell it mate if so how much u wanting posted?
  17. wanting 2 black eyed white kit's
  18. just wundering how long a 12v 10amp would last with a striker lamp? and were is the cheapest place to get old of 1 cheers
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