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Everything posted by Ryan_b_09

  1. tryed pm you but its full pal

    1. shootlodge


      my appologies ,I been reeeeeeeal busy .


  2. anybody no of any running pups for sale or any comin up
  3. Ferretin gear mate Maby a 50 yard quick set n some other things nt sure just ferreting related stuff
  4. Wanting to swop my 100yard quick set long net 4oz only used twice like brand new swop for other ferreting gear open t offers cheers pick up only
  5. all my other collars work fine just that 1 thats faulty but cheers for all of the comments
  6. hi, iv got a 15ft ferret collar that sometimes works n sometimes doesn't any one no how i could get it working or would you just say it is f****d and they do take 2 ag5's dont they? any help please
  7. 8ft ferret collar wanted no silly prices cheers
  8. nice goin pal looks like you ad good day
  9. had a little walk out this morning with 2 of my pal's. Did a 30 holer and ended up with 13. Good walk out
  10. Don't think the guys selling it as a hare dog Cody????
  11. Would of snatched this a few month ago shame looks like it Gunna be a very strong dog
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