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Everything posted by toplamper

  1. just wondering and bord who is out on the drink down the town lol
  2. just keep them cuming people so wat you all had this season
  3. yer im goin who coming to it shud be well good any one wanna meet up ther so i can put names to face's
  4. ok lol sorry erm havent got a pic bud but ask about ther popular breed
  5. im not selling the dog lol but beddy whippet grey will do great ib small tight fields but colliexgreyhound for big fields lol
  6. look its me drivin ok lol
  7. beddyxwhippetxgeyjhound shud do the trick and get a rifle ther fun to lol
  8. keep them coming som really nice dogs on ere so far has any one got a beddyxwhippet
  9. nice looking dog mate and ben hows blue
  10. erm yes it called jet lol i got it off a lad last nite he was 2 busy to work the dog so i bought it lol going to be strong dog like bit head strong at the moment like
  11. but only thing is i dont have pay pal
  12. i was gonna buy this dog but lost internet for while now i got one sorry mate ill do my best ill ask about but no idiots are getting the dog
  13. got some nice dogs ther people just hope my new bitch does the job next season lol
  14. it is a 177 hand little gun only want 35 quid for it pick up only it is in darlington havnt really used it got it as aunwanted gift get pic's up later on
  15. pics were taken on fone lol not that good hahaha
  16. toplamper

    swine flu

    hey im taken offence to this flu my last names pigg lik oj but me last name is pigg lol
  17. this is mine at 10 month old collixgrey xbeddybullxwhippet
  18. have you got any left ill buy one tues [bANNED TEXT] i get paid
  19. what you all fighting about it was vermin so no matter how it died matters just one less kill in the world
  20. thank you for all the advice after half hour she setteld in perfect
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