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Everything posted by KILLITnGRILLIT

  1. I use model paints such as humbrol and they last 5-10 years depending on (ab)use. My own personal thoughts are that colour doesn`t matter much, as most times duck only see shadows or silhouettes when coming in to decoys although the white of tail bars and rumps seem to be a tell tale sign and worth keeping bright. Another personal thing is that I have never had much luck with "duck bums"
  2. Give them a chance and leave the shooting until the frosts are gone and you can shoot over water.
  3. Wait a while, as there is a "Voluntary restraint" ATM and there will probably be a statutory ban in 2 days time.
  4. As above, good numbers and weights
  5. I forgot to add, and it is probably obvious, the tail bars are marked on the "pointed end"
  6. You can try and flight them at night with deeks made from cardboard. Cut some egg shaped sections 2 feet in length and paint them with the tail bars in white emulsion and you will need some black paint for canada tails too I would imagine, but we don`t have many where I live so I`m only guessing. Check out google images for pics of the tail bars.
  7. Nice to see some Teal about was that on Saturday night ?
  8. Strange that you say on here that you have been visiting for 6 years and on another forum you say 8 years Probably another typing error eh Walt alert factor 5
  9. Utter rubbish, geese will feed when they like ! As said above, they will during periods of good moonlight(around the full moon), feed at night but tend to feed during the day during the darker phases of the moon. Remember it is better to keep your mouth shut and appear foolish than to open it and remove all doubt.
  10. Ultra sonic, can`t be having lots of nasty chemicals in the house, yes she lets me reload in the house, I simply tip them down the sink when the cleaner stops
  11. Same as above but in N0.2`s(US size). If you are limited to 3" chambers try 53gm No.1`s or 36/42gm 1`s or 3`s for 2 3/4"
  12. Saw a good buck with only one antler last week but no rut AS YET !
  13. this time of the year you could get away without a hide and just use natural materials, as for clay shooting, you may find that Woodpigeon fly at different speeds, sometimes slowing othertimes accelerating and generally never in a straight line. Basic kit will be DPM`s, 12 shell deeks, pair of bouncers/floaters/waddever add the hide and rotary later. Best of.....
  14. Laws are different in Scotland, contact BASC for details.
  15. Never had them in the lamp as this is unusual behaviour as they are crepuscular animals, though I have had them in the fenn4`s ! As for feral cats eyes, I`ve seen them from white through to green and orange and a 50gn pill or a dose of N01`s does the trick
  16. It was bound to happen ! gerrit upya LACS etc.
  17. Butch or Buck Clear pigeon 30g 6 shot fibre for me
  18. With the wording of the general licence for woodpigeon I would think it dodgy ground ! Also where is your nearest neighbour ??
  19. I chose the T3 with the heavy blued barrel and it suits me fine enough and chose to spend the money I saved on a good scope
  20. I will try my best WD, thanks for the welcome
  21. As above, nice to see a few well known names here, look forward to chatting etc. I shoot air rifles, cf, rf, shotguns and have dags and ferrets !
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