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Everything posted by lincolnshire.hunter

  1. hi willum hes 14 mnth old pic is a bit shit like but none the less
  2. alryt lads and lasses a terrier man i no had a look at my patt 2 day and said he looked like a nuttall wheeler dog would be great full if you could share some pics and experiences that you hav had with this breeding cheers L.H i will post some pics of the little b*****d 2 mora
  3. light force 170 striker people say they brake but ive looked afta mine and its bin alright jobs a goodin cheers L.H
  4. hi there my parents are onbout moving 2 france and i want to be a keeper just wondering whats the work like over there
  5. shes half cross bull greyhound thanks for all the post people heres another pic of her and my whippet L.H
  6. well done lads good 2 see people are geting out cheers L.H
  7. nice whippet, she looks big in the pic what is she standing at?? hi mate thanks he stands at 21 "tts L.H
  8. went out with my bull x bitch shes 15 mnth but this was only the second time shes bin out lamping and shes caught her first rabit glad 2 no the hard work spent bringing them up and getting them fit is finaly paying of theres note better Cheers L.H
  9. thats not a pure bred presa have bred them for 7 years not suposed to have white on them apart from there chest and thts suposed 2 be as little as posible nice dog tho
  10. hi i have 6 ferret kits i have 3 jills and 3 hobs i am asking 10 for them i am in grantham lincoln shire my no is 07979308494 cheers L.H
  11. i like just slightly broken as it covers scars
  12. how much did it cost mate thinking of havving my ferret done
  13. hi a friend of mine said that it is legal to go out with one lurcher and kill a fox is it true or is he talkin bollox
  14. i always keep my dogs back till they are 1 but some arnt mature enough and some have matured before then so it depens alot on the dog that you have cheers L.H
  15. i had pure bred coursing grey yes it was true for this one he was blind in one eye because he chased soomthing into a fence but it happend prity much every time you took him out cheers L.H
  16. sounds like shes just motrhering it could be wrong last year i got some kits and put them in with adults and they was fine cheers L.H
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