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Everything posted by yozza

  1. my dogs got mange but its got collie in it wa can i do i cnt jab it
  2. yozza where about in liverpool are you mate.is it the dimmer switch blits.nice one mate. not a dimer im sellin to get a dimer one basid in kirkby liverpool 07751822661
  3. yozza where about in liverpool are you mate.is it the dimmer switch blits.nice one mate. not a dimer im sellin to get a dimer one basid in kirkby liverpool
  4. my bull saluki deehound gray snaped its leg conpleatly at 9 months old and is 6 now and is 100% dog it will be ok its got metal plats in its leg
  5. blitz 240 with 17 ah batery and bag for sale or swap for blitz vp on its own £100 ono bargin cost £215 in good working order based liverpool pick up only
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