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Everything posted by yozza

  2. mk1 8 foot box and broke terrier coller £30 liverpool pick up only
  3. http://www.(!64.56:886/group.php?gid=4551...0.3196064913..1
  4. the other day i bought a vp blitts when i was in the shop the man swaped the handle from a lance and the bulbs saying he had no blitz vps in but this will be one and now the ciger lighter plug is blowing lots of fuses and melting wouled this be anythink to do with it being a lance handle because it states in deben book 100w bulb not recomended for lance and he put a 100w bulb in out of the blitz
  5. http://www.12vlithium.com/products.aspx?gc...CFUYA4wod0VVCKQ
  6. deerhound weaton gray and saluki deerhound wippet gray 10 1/2 months and 3 years old 2 biches 1 black 1 brindle liverpool robed outa me m8ts bak
  7. good nick fused an evevery think brand new osram bulb xanon one £18 just the otherday
  8. u can av it for qwid pick up because im only 15 n dont drive
  9. minsures are 100% s inglehanded all rounders top dogs
  10. are the nets hemp or nylon & what oz are they ? 50 NYLON purse nets can u reed
  11. why do you say alternitive ? because i am 15 and i allredy have eerhound gray saluki wipet gray and wanted somthing for singlehanded and my mum wudent let me have a bull cross so i got a deerhound grey weaton gray and wondering what to expect
  12. one of my dogs is 10 monthes old and runs away from dogs shes a deerhound weton grayhound and i let all of our lurchers and they wer chasing it messing and i ran and yelped with fright dose this meen it wont do certen quary
  13. sold this £300 pending not same 1ns i have varis weaton croses i just need to make room for chest frezer
  14. is a weaton a good alternitive to bull and a bit of info on them plz
  15. deerhound gray x weaton gray 13monthes old top bithch retreves altho not alive as game as they come £500
  16. saluki deerhound bull gray x weaton deerhound saluki gray top all rounder
  17. chudleys grayhound racer well the best ur dog will be so sharp
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