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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. thers only been 5 votes so far it will all change the more votes that go in if there was only 1 vote on the whole poll on say suluki x it would be 100% of the vote if you get what im saying!! i wasent judging on the votes mate was just meaning it in genral
  2. happy birthday hope you had a good one sue, it may well of been your last tom !!
  3. personaly ide go for the saluki type dog, for one reason and i think you all can guess ( it has big ears ) :whistling:
  4. i know mate but its atleast a dog, thank for your help & support lads very much appreciated very nice of the man to let it go aswell, cheers pal
  5. cheers mate i will phone you at 3.30 tomorow. i will try and sort a lift out up to you for tomorow. thanks again, sounds a cracking dog. tom !!
  6. cheers dotty & i think your inbox is full, you done me a big favour by doing this mate
  7. cheers ladz & yer fair play mate some people just turn blind eye to things like that.
  8. still do everything, nothing changes really exept you dont need all your big jackets on
  9. now mate, as you should of seen ive just lost one of my dogs and could do with another to keep my saluki/greyhound company. i will guerentee its going to a good home if you havent already got shot of it. is it paniky round people with been beaten ect. get back to me if you can mate cheers tom.
  10. going to take up digging in a year or so when i leave home. just asking is there anything i should do now whilst ive got the time like read books ect if so can you reccomend some good ones for starting up ??? thinking of getting a good patterdale off cousin, i also know its hard work can you state what might go wrong whilst out on a dig. anything would be nice, cheers in advance atb tom !!!
  11. get some plain luncheon meat, dip lots of squares into paprika spice, put in fridge overnight before fishing - sorted !! the best bait ive ever used is pepparami, the hottest stick you can find, cut about half inch off the end, i catch everytime when i use it. hope this helps fella keep us posted on how you get on. tom....
  12. fettle - saluki/greyhound - 14month - fit as fire & ready for the big test.
  13. good luck with finding him he is a fine looking dog, got the same markings as my saluki/greyhound how old is he can i ask ??
  14. start him on a few easy rabbitts not too many but give him afew to work on his strike & retreiving give it a few month month gradually giving him more rabbitts and then you can put him to the big test. there is more than that to bringing a dog on but thats what i would/did do when my dog reached the age i thought it was ready for a few bunnys. atb fella tom.
  15. i got a saluki/greyhound, they can be good dogs but very iggnorent at times, very good allrounders & good house pets. need to watch them with fences ect they can be very "stupid" if you want to call it, ive had many salukis jump massive fences flat out and do some seriouse damage and as you all should know ive just lost one that jumped into a big resivour, 15ft drop. other than that i see tham as good dogs. tom..
  16. cheers for the help lads, will get in touch with them first thing tomorow i keep you posted on what they say. thanks again tom !!
  17. ano yer mate lucky a didnt, the dog i got now is the one i was gonna sell, glad i didnt now aswell as he turning out a very good & strong hunter. will never fill his bros boots tho, he was a very talented dog for lots of reasons. tom.
  18. went out & seen 8 myself yesturday mate all does, not a bad sign !!
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