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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. if it is knackerd give us a shout and i will buy the coller off you if you not getting another that is. c.m
  2. have you got a pic mate and how powerfull is it.
  3. its about time we put this one to bed i think lol and thanks lads will take all of this into consideration thanks alot al happy hunting mate atb. tom!!
  4. seems good mate when will you be getting them up mate. tom!!
  5. cheers maltenby and all of the skitty people need to understand that im a begginer and you learn from your mistakes and this site is for helping people & getting help not just throwing everthing they got at people because they dont know what they are doing. tom!!
  6. cheers lads i now keeping them and will get handling them tomorow
  7. i didnt know that you could tame them at an old age and dont forget lads im all new to hunting i dont know these things as good im a bigginer.
  8. there is no need for it at all mate is there i hope you find them and get the feckers back for what they have done atb tom!!
  9. welcome to the site mate atb. tom!!
  10. stag sexy nun saluki scientist just go as sporting shooter then you dont have to wear anything lol
  11. coursing mad


    put a photo up if it any good i will pick it up tomorow im down the road in darlington mate
  12. coursing mad

    FAO davey

    D.M i got stung by jellyfish in spain it feels like a big needle going all way through your arm and out the otherside but not very painfull shyt myslf tho :11:
  13. i would say he lookes like a ferret on xtc his jaws always chewing lol
  14. cheers for the offer mate but my jill just had kits and was gonna keep 2 of them and both jills are not very tame as i was unexperienced when i got them but i know what im doing now so out with the old and in with the new for next season i think lol atb al
  15. whats its name my guess it foxxseagull if it is what you say it is (the best dog in the world) thaught not lol
  16. haha i will but it for a fiver just for biting peoples ankles off whilst on a walk down the river
  17. good gun you got there mate well done.
  18. if it was blocked then it has probs been deleted get the pics up and it will help with the sale mate
  19. just say give me the ferret back its only a pet the kids are in love with it they will be devostated if they loose it
  20. i would definetly get a beddlington cross very good lamping and ferreting dogs
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