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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. is that him on your avatar if it is then it lookes like it would chew out up lol
  2. we dont give people advise on how to pinch dogs on here mate sorry.
  3. how old are you mate i live near bye and go out quite often when its in season. i will take you out for a bit of ferreting and hopefull you will beat that score of yours mate. pm me.
  4. im going carp fishing tomorow night just wondering if there is any homemade baites i use meatballs and pepperoni but could do with a bit more selection cheers. tom!!
  5. here goes i walk into the shed open the cage with the food and as usuall and the jills are waiting for it, they start eating the food as normal and out of nowhere all 6 kits come stumberling out trying to get to the food the poor things cant even open their eyes yet lol. next thing the jill takes the food and places it in the nest box and drags all 6 of the kits 1 by 1 into the bed and layes on top of them. anyone else experiences anything like this if not i must say it quite good to wach. tom!!
  6. pricdrop the least i will go to is £200 what a deal.
  7. i will bump it before i go to bed and cheers jako you have been a great help to this post
  8. very nice mate whats the breeding. atb tom!!
  9. yer forgot about that 1 another dog will do the trick atb
  10. bull/greyhound. or a collie/bull/whippet. just my opinion mate.
  11. put the dog over the fence and walk off mate it works evertime for me. if not start on small fances and work your way up. tom!!
  12. forgot to give my number 07837906162 no prank calls tho :11:
  13. hi im selling a brand new pair of kam decks they are in good working order i paid £500 quid for them 6 month ago im wanting half the price for them £250 o.n.o im getting rid of them because i need some new hunting equiptment and this the only way i would be able to get what i want they have only been used twice you get needles with them and a brand new brilliant working usb mixer im in the northeast area pm me if you want anymore details thanks. tom!!!
  14. nice and racey thats how i like them good looking dog mate. tom!!
  15. i hand reared a lab pup and it worked mate it was the odd 1 out and the mother (meg) kept leaving it out so i decided i would do it myself. cant beat a bit of d.i.y lol and sorry about your dog mate i know how it feels atb. tom!!
  16. i had mine taken off me in the local woods so whach out for dog walkers and that.
  17. good job they done i see im hoping to get mine done soon atb. tom!!
  18. should work but they will get through it in time mate just put some stonger stuff on it mate just incase. better to be safe than sorry. tom!!
  19. might have to have a look in the admag like there is some very good deal;s in there sometimes isnt they.
  20. good set up al did you make it yourself or did you buy it. tom!!
  21. wee little crackers them mate hope they do well for you atb. tom!!
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