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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. what age are these dogs you are on about mate.
  2. a lad called billy ward. there out of a dog called sparky dont know the mothers name but i will try and find out. i always get dogs off him for free because he is my cousin cheers.
  3. she just guessed that they had distemper but she said she would ring me today when she had done further tests and she said it seems to be staggers sorry to worry you all but when she told me it was distemper i imeidietly put it up to warn people because it is very dangerous thanks. tom!!
  4. should be a good dog lads i know craig and as you know he has got very good dogs. tom!!
  5. i went to spain last year i got half a rod out put line through, hook on & put a pickled onion monster munch on the hook. i caught a 9lbs mullet it was very funny i must say. tom!!
  6. pic of 1 of the jills not too long ago.
  7. 1st pic its the 1 on the right hand side at 8 weeks old. look at him now.
  8. vet told me that some get it some dont its just luck reilly, dogs have had their vaccinations so they cant get it & cheers lads but i already sorted 2 hobs out of working stock today going to get a different cage and that. many thanks to the people who have offerd verry kind of you. cheers tom!!
  9. they had distemper im gutted thats 2 very good working jills gone to waist as well as the kits. im gutted cheers lads. tom!!
  10. they are both just sat there shacking im reilly worried.
  11. woke the ferrets up just now and they are wobberling all over the place just like they are having a fit.. it lookes like they are dying. does anyone know whats up with them if so what should i doo. thanks. tom!!
  12. you want a big methord feeder on mate with a led core leader on. fill it with groundbait and a big chunk of meat on the hair rig always works for me.. best of luck mate. tom!!
  13. the above... is there any courses in the northeast area close to darlington thanks. tom!!!
  14. put a post up on here mate i got offerd a striker on hear with battery and charger for £65 pounds mate. dont ask you dont get do you mate. tom!!
  15. lightforce striker mate they are wonderfull lamps. tom!!
  16. theres only limited stock on those mate they dont come around hear everyday do they eyy
  17. everyone makes me laugh on here exept the b*****s
  18. mine is the arguments as long as im not in the thick of it all that is... come on tell us what your fav thing about it iss. tom!!
  19. seen the size of that looks nice tho. tom!!
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