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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. cheers lads will put these things in mind. tom!
  2. mine seemed to be very heavy than the normal air rifle think it was because it had a heavy duty silencer and the stock was the heaveyest thing about it.
  3. it dont take them long to no that biting down hard is no good how do you stop a dog being hard mouthed if its better ill use that not been funny mate but surely associating the rabbit fur with barbed wire will put the dog completely off running rabbits if it knows that every time it bites it will hurt its self, i see where ur coming from but personally fink its a bit harsh put rabbit skin round a plastic bottle & when the dog bites down on it all the air comes out, the dog shits its self & never does it again.
  4. im going to take them out to watch first. when they get a bit older if they pull for a bunny they get sliped on a bunny. & should i also get them a couple of ferreted rabbitts to start them off on knowing what they are doing if so what age should i start giving them a few.
  5. i would say that saluki/greyhounds were good for the hare and the odd deer but best for both is saluki/collie/greyhound. tom!! pre ban like you said.
  6. i had a bsa ultra they are the sort of gun i would be carrying miles with me they are heavy but on the up side they are a small & accurate gun.. i got mine brand new not a shot been fired out of it for £300 with scopes & scilencer not a bad gun it proved to be.
  7. looks good but there not very good technicly i would personaly get a black widow. they suit all my needs. tom!!
  8. got 2 saluki greyhounds & just wondering what age to start them people tell me 9 month people tell me 11 month just looking for a true answer reilly thanks. tom!
  9. he probs just gone out for a bit of daytime rabbiting at 22:14 pm
  10. haha who is the guest now.... lets see who he comes back to be now then eyy.
  11. hahaha you are a laughing stock mate i can feel the heat coming off your blushing face from here.
  12. ohh yer & just a tip for you travis she hates cheese.. been wondering why she has been feeling a bit under the weather lately
  13. he has pmd me a number of times saying things about my mother well all i can say 2 you travis iss.. she said you are the shittest & smallest she has ever had.
  14. haha i remember that one i think is that the 1 where he had a pair of socks in his pants... lol
  15. think he has admitted that this is travis/////finaly
  16. this post is nothing but a load of shit. PHISICLY (if i spelt it wrong sorry) lol
  17. i can send you a few through msn if you have got it mate. then you can put them on your phone using a usb cable. drop us a pm. tom!!
  18. good going that mate its always a good feeling to get rid of a few foxes every now & then atb tom!!
  19. well i should think that everyone puts it in the bin what else are you going to do with dog shit keep it on the fireplace. not having a go mate but what made you put this post up is there something i am missing??
  20. might do al give you a shout ok go on chat mate
  21. might do a dunno yet bud still feelin bit bad.
  22. why are you so immiture on here dave.. everyone knows your mentall lol
  23. what take credit for ALL 2 rabbitts we got.. ur the 1 who said put it up soo
  24. i think a saluki grey over a saluki grey is best mate but then again i like them featherd. tom!!
  25. saluki/greyhounds & saluki/whippets were the best hare dogs.
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