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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. chiesh & chong rise of the footsoldier the buisness
  2. dad gone to work away, and took the tool box key is there any quick ways to do it as im wanting to get out shooting tonight sick of being in this house.
  3. anyone got an unwanted working ferret near darlington as im stuck with kits. and i know a few sets that need doing soon. will pay for a good un.
  4. no mate the bars came out after i took the shot and i wont cock properly now.
  5. ok cheers mate didnt think of that one but how am i meant to make the line in the screw without cutting through the stock because the hole its in is quite deep and not verry wide.
  6. took my first shot and after i tried cocking it again to take another these 3 little bars came out from underneeth. now it cocks but not properly it will not fire. tried to put the little bar back through but i had to take the stock off to do so. took the first screw out no problem but the second was rounded off so i cannot get the stock off to fix it. my question is how do i take a rounded off screw out to get the stock off. any advice would be great.
  7. try them on a few easy sets when they are ready to work.. build them up to the bigger sets & dont make the mistake i did last season by putting ferrets in a set with out a coller & box you will be waiting hours for the little feckers to come out. happy hunting.. tom!!
  8. alright why did the boy take a car to school...... to drive the teacher up the wall... i know its bad but it makes me giggle all the time
  9. cheers lads how much is it worth because im swaping it for a good pushbike with someone off here just need a bit of info before it all goes ahead.
  10. bsa lightening .22 with 177 gas ram ,parkerhale silencer and 3/9x50 boresighter scopes. might be getting 1 i dont have a clue on anything about this gun tried the net but no joy on there so this is second resort i suppose plus whats a gas ram?? any advise would be helpful cheers tom!!
  11. good photos kay its always nice & lucky to see a few deer with young. tom!!
  12. good one lol. lets just say my dogs well trained then haha
  13. mine rip the ferret water bottles off lol
  14. good on yah mate good dog. and by the looks of it you both have mop heads how do you see in the windy cold nights haha
  15. i got some nets off hım about 2 week ago and they are belters strong as an ox and they are quıte big. thanks agaın hawkeye. tom!!
  16. now then mate ım also from darlıngton ı dont have a shot gun or out but ı would deffınetly come out wıth you 1 day gıve me a pm tom!
  17. my favorite was (SOME MOTHERS DO AV EM) funny as feck ıf you have not seen then get out and buy the vıdıo set ıf you can. what a laugh.... tom!!
  18. late september early october for me i cannot waıt ferretıng ıs the best sport by far.
  19. should do well wıth em get them tame as poss and they wıll be crackers. tom!!
  20. i feel for you mate hope my 2 dont go before they are to old.
  21. a black rabbıts better then no rabbıtt so get em kılled i say. happy huntıng tom!!
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