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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. always enjoy ur posts well done & keep em coming. tom!!
  2. if she on the mend leave her a few more days if no better get her looked at.. all dogs get a knock some time in there lifes mate she will be fine dont worry. tom!!
  3. my 7 month saluki greyhound caught his first bunny today retreived it live to hand wasent expecting it he never seen a rabbit before it jumped up when he was off the lead he only 7 month but its not a bad sign got a video will put it up tomorow when i find my usb lead. its a good feeling and he has got alot more to come when he grow up cheers. heres a pic of him not with a rabbit but this is the dog im proud of.
  4. dont feck it upp its hard these days to even get it never mind keeping it well done happy hunting.
  5. im going to have a look and learn how it works on friday sometime so shouldnt be that long. someone very kindly bought it for £500 for uss ant we priveliged
  6. very good of you mate i will let you know soon cheers. tom !!
  7. kill it, gutt itt, skinn it, clean it & then straight in the oven for half hour and then eat with a bit of bread and butter. sorted !!
  8. the first time i had ago of a chopper some village idiot changed the brakes around without me noticing & said go and pull a big skidd down that great big hill. BANG BOOM SCREECH OWWWWWW it hurt alot like i remember it very well haha
  9. the camera keeps going on in my pocket so it gets runned down anyways i need a new one !!
  10. try and get some inserlation on the bottom it helps. i got aliminium container with inserlation on the bottom & filled with old blankets.
  11. broken leg in 3 places before. 3 nails in my head doing frontflips when younger. cut whole finger on barbed wire was holding the wire & a rabbitt came out into the net so i moved very fast n done that. broken arm in football. smaked a glass door n cut my other finger into shreads. my freind dropped a full gas canister onto my head and got concusion. he was on top of a bridge and i was at the bottom haha. thats about it got lots more minor injurys but i dont want to bore you.
  12. get some more rabbit in there mate feck the dried stuff it dosent work on fattening ferrets. they should have meat near enough all the time that will get her up abit all the best. tom!!
  13. tell you what whoever wants any pm me and i will be able to know who exacly wants them.
  14. when i give the thumbs up just send me the pic you want and i will get to it, it wont be till a few weeks but will get in touch when its all up and running.
  15. im doing a project soon im getting a mug printing machine, now i can put anything onto a mug pictures, text ect. its for a disabled school in my town as they need £1000 to put towards new wheelchairs ect there is a group of us doing this but as im the only hunter i thaught it might be a good idea to try and sell some on here, well reilly i was just wondering if i put these mugs up on here would you pay £5 for a mug. its all for a good cause & i would like ideas on what to put on these mugs hunting wise thanks. tom!!
  16. get any then mate what ever suits you reilly happy hunting.
  17. whats the prices for the both scopes mate.
  18. very nice a bet its full ov connys is it? tom!!
  19. cheers DM bring on the winter i say.
  20. how old was it mate and im sorry to hear that its died its not a good feeling i know how you feel. tom!!
  21. went for a good old walk today first time for the ferrets & first time for the dogs chasing the rabbitts. well just got to the first set and i put my little albino jill she went in slowly but got faster & faster during the day she bolted 10 wabbits in all. we got 8 but unfortunetly 2 got out of the nets my other polecat hob bolted 4 & we got all them ones put 4 live rabbits in a sack and went to the feilds we dropped them for the dogs but the rabbits didnt run as fast as i would of liked them to but its surley a good start for the dogs anyways 4 out of 4 two each. so all in all a
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