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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. if there is a bull x section it gives more people the need to argue about them. if people think that they are good dogs then let them get on with it each to there own.
  2. it had twin turbo, dump valve & god knows what else it was quite new aswell.
  3. my bro had a lagacy it done 170mph flat out good 4x4s i think.
  4. i used to like that catch the pigion thing with the man in the plane haha
  5. my dog was a deer dog £500 it cost mee
  6. there was a scarecrow in a suit on the floor at some fishing ponds i go to. went for a mooch 1 nite round the pond i fell over and it was looking me in the eye never sh*t myself soo much in my life a thought it was a dead body haha.
  7. a cercumsized jew walkes into asda... slaps his cock over the counter & says a bet you cant roll that f*cker back.
  8. elton john walkes into a tattoo shop & says i will have a rolls royce tattood on my cock. the man turns round and say your better off with a land rover mate it will halp you get you through the shit.
  9. saluki/greyhound put back to a collie/bull/bedd/greyhound thinking of having pups later on in life if they prove themselves
  10. a bet they are hard to pick back up the pace after a litter of pups.
  11. a bet you have a few shits to clean up on a morning ?
  12. they both had a few droppers thats all they are getting till at least 15 month. if i run them now they will just loose intrest because the quarry will keep getting away. just thaught i would ask the experienced as they are my first pair of running dogs
  13. what age do i start my saluki/greys on the FAST THINGS.
  14. aye ano mate couple of months they will be in good shape.
  15. a few photos from when they were pups, and a few i took today, not long to go now
  16. good day at them i see. that guns came to more use than it did with mee i see.
  17. to tell you the truth i just wait till it bleepes like fook then dig i cannot get used to it.
  18. my mate got fined £500 for vet bills. ad rarther of put it down if i was the owner
  19. nice dogs you got there. i like the coulor of them
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