if there is a bull x section it gives more people the need to argue about them. if people think that they are good dogs then let them get on with it each to there own.
there was a scarecrow in a suit on the floor at some fishing ponds i go to. went for a mooch 1 nite round the pond i fell over and it was looking me in the eye never sh*t myself soo much in my life a thought it was a dead body haha.
elton john walkes into a tattoo shop & says i will have a rolls royce tattood on my cock.
the man turns round and say your better off with a land rover mate it will halp you get you through the shit.
they both had a few droppers thats all they are getting till at least 15 month. if i run them now they will just loose intrest because the quarry will keep getting away. just thaught i would ask the experienced as they are my first pair of running dogs