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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. your to far away mate or he would prob buy one of them sorry.
  2. ifn this man is a genuin man and dogs are not going to get past about a might have a pat hear for him hes 15 month yer mate he is as genuine as you can get he just looking to work it on rabbits and what have you where you from mate ?
  3. right 2 people have asked me tonight to look about for some dogs. 1 man is after a young patterdale dog/bitch dosent have to be working. and also a man wants a good little ferreting & lamping dog either a pup or not. both dogs need to be within a good price cheers. darlington/northeast
  4. they are black mate its more just going for the fun than it is for the fish & they are good to eat just taste the same. if we go up early in the season we get a few fresh ones but not many. i also have had alot of salmon out of here aswell great little spot my dad has fished it for 15 years now and its getting better & better by the day tom.
  5. dont think they will bolt mate with all the trains that have been going past at about 100mph
  6. the place is called st. johns chapel its near wolsingham up weardale
  7. your right but he could of said the fox was facing the other way
  8. here is 1 the old man got a few week back in the same place
  9. get a collie/bull/greyhound they make cracking dogs
  10. as long as the lad said it was shot and retreived then there is feck all that the anties can do. it all comes down to proof at the end of the day
  11. i got a nice 7 sea trout on the river weir biggest was 7lbs. and great white hunter sorry but i forgot to take the pics of the spinners i was using. i was having to much fun i suppose good day out all in all
  12. im form darlington... i will travel within reason.
  13. like it says on my sig look after your dog and it will always look after you good hunting mate well done
  14. going fishing for the sea trout will post pics later whoever else is going out. tightlines
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwemGOAQuTY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj2kUcTgOIw&feature=related
  16. dont think hare coursing will be lifted mate. because of the people who match dogs & stuff.
  17. as long as its got 3 hooks on and looks like a fish mate you got a spinner that will catch. im off out for the sea trout tomorow i will post pics of the fish & the spinners that i caught them on.. might be a little help for you. tom
  18. hi im 16 years old & wanting to get into deer stalking & shooting its something i have never experienced before. its a big ask but i was just wondering if anyone would let me tag along or let me help out. maybe learn me the ropes abit so i know what im doing for the future. thanks tom
  19. i know mate then we will be singing and dancing & he is just touching 9 month just going to give him the odd few till he reaches the year mark. his brother is coming on a treat aswell 4 out of 4 all retreived
  20. he was chuffed to bits i rewarded him with his first set of livers lol
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