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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. it puts shadows infront of the hedge so it dont run in its a good trick ive cought many of times using this method
  2. love the daytime you simply cannot beat it your dog always sees the quarry. i hate it when you are lamping and the fecking quarry runs over the brow
  3. they are kept outdoors mate and the pic is on my avatar bud she is going to have to understand that im not getting rid & that is that
  4. pics of them at 8 month... To be fair he is a bit of a c**t but thats what pups do till about 18 month old thats what im trying to tell her but you know what mothers are like these days.
  5. ive got 2 dogs in the back garden 10 month of age. one is becoming a very good worker and the other is not so as yet, but is a more loving dog. my mam wants me to get rid of the good working one whats showing all of the signs of being a very good worker just because of the fact that he is a bugger & she wants to keep the loving one which is not showing signs up to now. this is playing with my head because she wants to get rid of him soon and if this other dog turnes out to be s**t im buggerd. ive told her if she is going to get rid of this dog im going straight out the door with it. (guilt
  6. saluki greyhound for me they will most probs take all quarry with ease just my opinion for what ive seen these dogs do
  7. i want to go out but its feking pissin down out there dont wanna get bogging for nothing so was just asking to see whats out. no point going out for nothing
  8. cheers mate what about quarry is there much out in the rain.
  9. whats the advantages and disadvantages of going out in the rain with the dogs. tom
  10. i have got a good drawing on my wall what i did at school give us the heads up when the comp starts tg thanks.
  11. it always does my head in it rains only when you want it not to
  12. getting one myself mate what the cheapest you can pick them up for lads ??
  13. good going lads i would love a week like that. well in sounder not many like yourself around these days
  14. squirrels driving me in to the point that i want to trap the feckers anyone got any traps to sell only wanting 2 for the moment pm me
  15. will have to give it a try.. i have put a heavy big blanket in so its harder to pull out but if they are having none of it im gonna screw it to the bottom of the kennel its aliminium anyways. cheers for info tho bud. tom
  16. good idea that mate it can only make the site better i think. and thats the aim of the game
  17. ive got a kennel that has an open square hole & every time i put carpet or something in front they just pull it off any tips lads ?? cheer tom edited to say they just drag there blankets out aswell ??
  18. any cheep sites to buy lamps & ferrett collers mk3 cheers. despritly need the 2 items above.
  19. coursing mad


    feck me thats a bad mistake im glad im not in your phone book bet you were sweating like feck
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