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coursing mad

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Everything posted by coursing mad

  1. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=139454 just a help to find it
  2. franks a lollypop man tonight, should be fun tom.
  3. i like that dogs coller, where you get it from ?
  4. i feed them last thing at night so i cant take the bowls away from them, cheers for ideas lads will put them to the test soon. atb tom.
  5. my dogs keep taking there 3 bowls in the kennel after they have finished there scran and knocked there water over, im getting sick of climbing to the back of the kennel every min of the day. anyway to stop this cheers. tom.
  6. not that big but a great day out.
  7. i have the old type mk3 ferret locator for sale on its own. pick up only from darlington. open to all offers. tom.
  8. no mate just going to do daytime now, its sh*t for lamping round here, everything is lamp shy. tom.
  9. will not post for you who have asked sorry. £60 for batteries. £60 lamp.
  10. its always nice to have a pair of tits round your nuts, winter or not
  11. now then mate i just got in from work, are you still wanting it ?? let me know soon. atb tom.
  12. how often if on dry food with rice ??
  13. everone who is saying "its only £30" its not the point you still should get the goods you were promised, i cant stand people who do this sort of thing to others on the net, no need for it at all. get yourself round mate, the little fcuk will sh*t himself i bet. tom.
  14. you say 3 collers and a box, what mk are these 1,2,3 ?? pm me if you like thanks tom.
  15. ive got a (none vairable) blitz handheld lamp for sale, its in perfect condition comes with two (12V9AH/20HR) belt strap batteries & a deben 12V charger. pick up only from darlington, north east. no offers, £100. thanks tom.
  16. forgot to say he is 12 month old
  17. 250cc for £175 get it bought mate, dont pull too many wheelies tho
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